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Enduring The Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run VIII

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After the first year I joined in on this event I promised myself that I would turn it into a 3 day event each time. Cause if I’m going in I might as well go all out in a respectable manner. Although that means my ability to beat all of these games in the time allowed is quite suspect but I’ll try my best. So let's go over each day and show off what I have in store for you the viewer.

April 20, 2018

10AM-12PM EDT Hatsune Miku Future Tone Let's get this party started with some up beat Japanese J-Pop sung by the ever popular set of vocaloids.

Donation Incentive: Maybe you want to hear something specific during this segment. If you donate a $1 you can pick out a song from this list. Future Tone Specifically from the first blue highlighted section.

12PM-2PM Hokuto no Ken How many times will I hear ATATATATA? Tune in to find out in this PS1 take on the Fist Of The North Star.

8PM-12AM Strider (2014) I thought this was a cool little remake of the original Strider. Seems to be a good time to revisit it.

April 21, 2018

10AM-12PM EDT Strider (2014) I’m not super confident in my ability to finish this in less than 4 hours without practice. So I’m playing a bit more of it at this point too.

12PM-2PM Bandit Kings We go from a 3D beat up up to a 2D one similar to Guardian Heroes. Other than the fact they are talking in Japanese so I have no clue what they are saying.

8PM-12AM Renegade Ops From the makers of Just Cause comes a top down arcade shooter. Even though I’ve meant to play through this it just never happened. Until now!

Donation Incentive: Choose who I get to use to beat this. Armand, Diz, Roxy, Gunnar, Gordon Freeman?, Blazemo or Crystal. Whoever gets the most donations wins.

April 22, 2018

10AM-12PM Renegade Ops In this case I might actually finish it in the first block but just in case.

12PM-2PM Gamera 2000 Another game that might not last the entire block but it sure it something. If you like bad FMV tune in for this one.

Bonus Game: Tail Concerto If the previous two games don’t last this entire block I’ll play a bit of this nice cute game about capturing cat pirates via a mech.

8PM-10PM Half Genie Hero: Pirate Queens Quest Other than watching me play through this you could also win it.

Donation Prize: Half Genie Hero + Both DLC packs Steam Code A $10 donation will get you a chance to win this game along with the dlc. Mention your Giant Bomb/Twitch user name in the donation comment so I can get in contact with you if you end up winning.

10PM-12AM Hatsune Miku Colorful Tone She’s back for the finale.

Donation Incentive: Like before you can donate a 1$ to pick a song from this link. Colorful Tone This time you can pick from the orange list.

Extra Prize: PS1 Grab Bag

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If you like PS1 games like I do then this is a prize work donating for. A set of 5 Playstation games. (Armored Core Master Of The Arena, Metal Slug X, Tekken 3, Final Fantasy VII, Rising Zan The Samurai Gunman) $40 donation will get you a pretty good chance of winning this set of games. Also mention your Giant Bomb/Twitch username in your donation comment so I can get in contact with you if you win.

So yeah I’ve got plenty of stuff lined up that I hope will urge a few of you to donate. In the end this is all about helping those in need. We just happen to use video games as a in between. Thanks in advance to anyone that donates or just spreads the word of this event.