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G-log #8: Ahh there we go

So it appears my greivances with the .50 in FarCry 2 are not just single minded. Thats pretty comforting to know actually, that im not the only one who things that .50 is jsut "Point @ Dude + Click = Win". With a gun that doens't sway even when standing up, perfect dead accuracy, no bullet travel time, semi-automatic, and a single shot kill with every location save for the feet? Looks like a winner to me! </sarcasm>
What makes me laugh hysterically though, is how someone can come back with what the OP said "this weapon is a sniper rifle and should be a one shot kill like in RL." Dude, we abandoned RL long ago for the aforementioned reasons.

All Ubi needs to do to balance this weapon, is make the bullet do 15% less damage and give the thing some sway. It just not exactly fair that i can be slammed in the leg from across the entire fucking map and die instantly without a chance to react, purely because i didn't see the dot in the far off distance. A headshot i can understand, and a headshot id respect. That takes some skill.
But otherwise, were dealing with a perfect semi-automatic AWP from counter-strike, but let me tell you: the AWP was at least bolt action. The fully automatic snipers in CSS had TERRIBLE accuracy effectively making them useless.

Game balancing 101 my friends.

on the other hand, i finally enjoyed some intense firefights instead of pure sniper wars last night. Was good times, and i enjoy it. I just still wish the MP5 had jsut a bit more power behind it. Its a little sick how a person can take 14 9mm rounds and still be healthy enough to chop my legs off and take my girlffriend back home out for diner.

*sigh* Just some balancing issues need to take place in order to make the multiplayer experience really shine. The addition of a MODE or two past Team Deathmatch, CTF, and Control Points would be grand! People are rallying for Assault, which sounds cool so ill vote for that :)