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  • RCCRF posted a message on the post Bujingai - The Forsaken City.

    You guys did the best you could with this game, but JESUS, was it a boring game. Totally not your fault. The game gave you nothing. And I'm pretty sure Gackt is still active to this day, he does a l...

  • RCCRF followed Bring Your B-Game .
  • RCCRF followed VRodeo .
  • RCCRF followed Six Crazy Frights .
  • RCCRF followed Playdate .
  • RCCRF followed Mario Party Party .
  • RCCRF posted a message on the post Baby Chat with Jeff and Ben.

    Wow, thanks for making me never want to have kids. That sounded awful. Sorry you had to go through it, but came out fine in the end.

  • RCCRF posted a message on the post 581: Six on the Face.

    Hm, weird that Ben would mention anti-environmentalist sentiments being a "red" state issue when all the major cities and industrialisations are in blue states. Also, living in an actual city that you...