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Masterpiece 0

Amazon delivery boy gets shot by spoilt rich kid whilst trying to deliver new bitcoin to walt disney. Great RPG experience with improved combat from fallout 3, excellent mods which make the game better than most fallout games. Fun DLC which add unique weapons and armour. Worth buying the ultimate edition....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Best shooter of the decade 0

Doom Eternal is one of the best games I've ever played. Its combat is the best fps combat I've experienced in my 20 years of gaming. Once you master and actually learn its combat is completely blows the previous game out of the water. It also has some of the best movement mechanics that are fluid and crisp. The campaign is incredible, and the multiplayer is full of fun, fast-paced combat. I have at least 120 hours on steam. ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.