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  • polysaturated posted a message on the post 683: Nier Automotive GP.

    Re: The zero carb bread (I've gotten it at Aldi before) it doesn't have zero total carbs, it has zero net carbs. Net carbs = total carbs - dietary fiber. Your body can't digest dietary fiber and doesn...

  • polysaturated posted a message on the post NHL 21.

    I spent a long time doing graphic design for an NHL team and it pains me to say this because I know how much people will rip into design for no reason but the layouts of the menu screens are depressin...

  • polysaturated posted a message on the post 647: The Historical Gamer Strikes Again!.

    Jeff's eyebrow bit at the beginning gave me a big laugh that I really needed, so thank you. I've rewatched it a couple of times and I have no idea what it is exactly but it just gets me.