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I thought, Gee, it's late and I am going to bed soon. I want to watch this. I doubt it's gonna give me nightmares or anything. It's not like I'm gonna have some dream about going through tunnels with creepy living walls and calcified growths all over and mutated barely human creatures popping out.

Boy howdy. Was I wrong.

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I saw like a minute of Recursive Ruin, went to watch the trailer, and knew I had to buy it.

Looks like the kind of pretentious bullshit I dig. Plus some MC Escher and beyond level of illusion illustration.

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Funny. I remember my science teacher at my Catholic school bringing us an article about Pope John Paul II saying that teaching evolution is okay and shows the complexity of God's world. This was before Dan was in high school too. Then again... I wasn't in Kansas. :p He also brought out a Kermit the Frog puppet the day we dissected frogs who looked on us in horror. He was a fun teacher.

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This reminds me I need to being my tablet into the garage and play these while I sort through my stuff in there. I got stuff from my old apartment, my uncle's tools and my aunt's church school stuff from when she moved to an apartment, boxes of comics and figures from when my comic shop closed and I helped clear out his basement. Hell, I got a couple DBZ 3D posters I kept meaning to send in to Jeff and Dan back when Dan was still there. Maybe someday in the far future when you guys have an office again...

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Maybe the real Amulet of Yendor is the friends we make along the way.

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Oh wow. When Ben kept running into E for Emus, I was going to post about the Great Emu War... and then he ends up bringing it up in the stream itself.

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Edited By PM_Xenos

I'm going to have to send a clip or link with timestamp to friends and family on that mall discussion. It's similar to stuff we've been saying.

It also reminds me of previous discussions on the podcasts about Kevin Smith's Mallrats sequel. I thought malls couldn't be more antiquated to the zoomer generaion, but then the pandemic hit. Maybe it evolves into some Brodie as Mad Max in a vacant post apocalyptic mall at this point.

@homeslice said:

@pm_xenos: Those "loons" you try to pretend don't exist just invaded the Capitol, so maybe things are a bit bigger than you thought.

They're not some monolithic group. There are plenty of lazy alt right idiots that just say home shitposting. Think of them as separate arms of an octopus. By giving into their online trolls like claiming MacTonight or the okay hang gesture is linked to racism, just gives them more power. It's like that Simpsons ep with the living giant mascots. Stop giving them the attention. Don't feed the trolls. The alarmists at the ADL played right into their game by freaking out over cartoon frogs and 80s fast food mascots. I still like MacTonight and I still have a small sad Pepe on my desk I painted back when he was a goofy cartoon reposted from a webcomic. Though I do admit the idea that he represents some kind of ancient Egyptian elder god of chaos is kinda fascinating and is oddly similar to a comic book story idea I had over a decade ago.

@monkeyking1969 said:

Jeff Gerstmann : "I want to be a toilet..."
Okay, no more hentai for you, Jeff.

Hey now. Sometimes Japan has live action videos like that too. Uh. So I hear. From... uh... other people.

@baconmonk said:

I take it this comment section is ignorant of Saint Pepsi and that's okay.

I'm more of a Chuck Person or マクロスMACROSS 82-99 person myself.

Now that I think about it, all that music fits right in at abandoned malls in a post apocalyptic wasteland. It would fit in a retro-80s/90s Fallout-eque setting like those 50s songs were in Fallout. I guess Pogs could replace bottlecaps. Hmm.

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I don't know who's stupider. Alt right loon trolls that claim Mac Tonight as a symbol of hate or the idiots fear mongering at the ADL who just give it to them. I refuse to play this game.

MacTonight is a classic 80s icon.. of fast foodconsumerism. So, yeah. Classic 80s icon. I remember the McDonalds outside Disney World had a life size musical statue of him. I also met actor Doug Jones who played him at a con. He was the sweetest guy. He gave all his fans hugs. Though it was kinda like being grabbed by a gangly fish man as you'd imagine.

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Edited By PM_Xenos

I've seen some VTubers before, but only in the last few weeks have I actively sought some out based on images I saw. This thumb and podcast got me to find Korone chan. Something about a cute anime dog girl playing and reacting to Doom 2016 is oddly entertaining.

Oh and it reminded me that I need to go back and finish Doom Eternal. Got stuck trying to beat one of the challenge shrines and took a break.