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Average score of 13 user reviews

watch dogs 0

In this game you play as a 4chan reject who I'm pretty sure the developers of the game actively disliked. Aden Pierce plays an elite hacker who hacks the systems to put cat memes onto Chicago's futuristic e-billboards, thats the kind of neckbeard he is. In the games, you entrap another hacker woemen into your smelly hacking lair, where she toils to reappropriate information from the loyal citizens of future Chicago. RUnning over loyal citizens will lower your bars though, so its not recommended...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Proteus review 2

Proteus transcends the videogame genres in an epic style, its subdued laid back undertones wont be appreciated by 99 percent of the general public, but that lucky 1 percent like me, will appreciate the games many allegories, and its stark use of confronting imagery. You play as a shipwreck survivor whom finds themselves washed upon a literal shore of various beasts and plant life. The game also has the occasional man made obelisk or structure to spice up the landscape, but there is so much vis...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Crack 0

Insomniac have shown their eye for talent, in making ratchet, that beautiful beast, he cuts a sleek figure insinuating himself across the game screens, his muscles ripple with the exertion of firing the many and varied game weapons, his pearlescent coat shines like a mythical golden fleece, ratchet, that modern day argonaut, his mona lisa grin and feline charisma is unrivalled on the ps3, his knowing looks, and fleeting glances, arent lost on me, his existence is somehow more real, than most rea...

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gearbox make him game 0

they made the game and knew the business decision to make. same can be said of pitchford who from the beginning everyone knew where his business would lie. randy has expressed a concern over decisions made previous, and that has really shone through in every facet of the game's design. the mutiplayer exceeds other expectations and graphics are from pitchfords well known wheelhouse. randy is over the moon with game's release and pitchford has stated as much in recent interviews. pitchford's sound...

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you are the ball 0

garagegames inc have done it again with the ultra edition of their unadalterated hitmaker, mb. with mbu, garagegames are off the chain with a precision assault into a previously unmined section of the gaming landscape. garagegames are in the grill, showing their confidence in the application of their many and varied minstrations, and arent afraid top apply the byproducts of their man-years of experience. garagegames show off their experience in more ways than one, and it really shows in this glo...

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more like, good game-siders 0

vigil games has done it again, straining and releasing another output into the public game supply, and consider me among the happy willing players to look up with pleasure and receive their considerable offering, and writhe around in metaphorical apoplexy in the expertly constructed and infinitely detailed world they (vigil games) has constructed in the form of the darksiders world.  you play as the horseman, pictured on box cover, and you may often find yourself rearing up on the horse, standin...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

you will go to war when see THIS geometry!! (2) 0

bizzare creations have done it again, with another entry in fabled geometry wars series. not since fur fighters have we seen such an epic shoehorning of good brain ideas into an exquisite tv game such as this.  bizzare creations put thinking caps on, and gave each other several thumbs up whilst methodically crafting a game played with 1-4 people (local only).  bizzare made game more challenging then before, with extra mode for your enjoyment, the graphics are real HD, and o boy! you can really t...

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popcap, [john] master[n]s of their craft 0

popcap have done it again! popcap, known by many as [john] master[n]s of their craft, have literally done it again, with this tantalising display of raw game-making talent! popcap have the ability to make games of this calibur and more, and PVZ is an epic display of what a developer can do when they spend considerable time making and then releasing a game on steam and on other channels.  popcap are synonymous with PVZ and previously released games, and PVZ puts all those other games and more to ...

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blizard has done it again!!! 0

blizard has done it again! with another classic rts in the making!! they were the dirtiest of dingoes back in the day for stealing the innovative formula introduced by dune 2, and flat out copying it for their own monetary and political gain, but so many years later, that dirty dealing has paid off in spades! with this classic rts in the making!! omygod blizard! you've done it again!! first came warcraft and then came starcraft, then they dirtied their bills in the muck that was diablo 2 for man...

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rockstar, [john] master[n]s of their craft 1

a game based on those old wild west movies you see on TV some times.  you play as old man mastern, a crotchety old man who is a villain, not unlike gollum from the lord of the rings movies.  mastern gets straight down to business, filetting animals like so many morning tuna, murdering woman and robbing friendly old nuns.  at one point in the game he hogtied a whole room full of people and made a big pile of them on the floor.  he then murdered them in cold blood, it was sickening to watch and pa...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

this game sucks... your time 0

aftter playing this game for many hours, i would look at watch and realise how many hours had been sucked, and it were many.  i played for 12hrs once, and that was the longest suck of all.  i collected all this crap in the game, but no one wanted it so I had to hide it all these different places.  I made skeletions in the game, and I would often marvel at their violence.  the good graphics in the game, are really good and I told my brother about them, i then looked at my watched and marvelled at...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

fallout... of your chair with excitement 0

i was literally over the moon when i heard they were making another fallout game.  i didn't play the second one, but the first one kind of sucked, so that was the reason I didn't play it.  this game, fallout 3, is a like the 12-course banquet of games, it is long and tasty like a baguette.  i literally fell out of my chair though while playing this game, its just that good.  i met interesting characters and shot at other interesting people and things.  one person i met was so interesting, that i...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

this game will EFFECT you MASSively 0

this game effected me massively and in more ways than one.  the first way it effected me massively was to allow me to shoot at people with various kind of weapons.  i loved to shoot people and mass effect allowed me to pursue this interest in a virtual science fiction setting. i was also effected massively by that sexy dame on the cover with curves that don't quit.  When you see her in the game, you'll want her to keep that helmet on though because boy, her face and her harpy lips and mouth are ...

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