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So either my download was messed up or I'm having the craziest deja vu ever. Is the newest episode of the Beastcast a reupload? I have definitely heard this all before.

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#2  Edited By Phrenze

Hello fellow gamers. I am currently renting a two family apartment where my landlords office is in the finished basement. Because he works out of the house he supplies us with free internet. Between that and my parents willingness to share netflix/hbo/comcast im saving a lot on my digital entertainment.

However there is a price to pay. Comcast randomly shuts down internet in my area during "dead hours" typically 2am to 5am. The issue i have with this is I work from 5 to midnight. When i get home and the gf is asleep my gaming/personal time is from midnight to 6am. Then i usually sleep till noon and so on and so forth.

So my question is, does anyone know if there is a way to tell when your isp is planning on doing "repairs". I think its a bit crazy that in this day and age where the 9 to 5 isn't the norm anymore that your isp would feel that its ok to shut your internet because you're supposed to be sleeping.

Yes I understand these are first world problems and this is a rant but im just trying to connect with people in a similar situation.

Tldr: comcast shuts off service for several hours in the early morning aka my gaming time. Is there anywhere that they post these planned "repair" times so I can not waste my time and just go to sleep.

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I've been pouring over all of the videos that have been cropping up on YouTube over the past few days and I have to say a lot of the animals look like they were made in Spore. There is even this video which shows animals on the same planet with the same exact body but a different head. Just throwing it out there that this seems pretty lame. Your opinions?