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  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @onemanarmyy: Yeah, no shit. If this was all it was they could have just said so without violating any kind of privacy.This does nothing to explain why it happened HOW it did and why, as Jeff alluded ...

  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @splodge: @sethmode: "Neither Jeff or anyone at Giant Bomb is under any kind of NDA" Would be all it takes. It's something so simple they could even have easily included it in the front page post abou...

  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @splodge: Was he clear that he DOES not want to talk about it or CAN he not talk about it?I don't think NDA talk is silly, heck, Jeff was under one from Gamespot for a long time.And if there is no NDA...

  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @splodge: I am not worried about Jeff, i am worried about Red Ventures sucking the soul out of Giant Bomb.

  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @retris: I don't remember Jeff saying anything about "privacy", that is all from the Giant Bombers.What Jeff said was something like "People are going to wonder what the real story is but we are going...

  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @genericbrotagonist: I am not assuming anything about the crew, all my assumptions are towards the RV management.This is a personality based website. That is their business. The longest active persona...

  • Oxe posted a message in the forum topic That video was weird. on the General Discussion board

    @genericbrotagonist: But then they should EXPLAIN what is going on. This is not rocket science. Put some pressure on RV to give fans answers and maybe some closure.OR you could just tow the corporate...

  • Oxe posted a message on the post Episode 303.

    I am going to go ahead and defend the people who said the melody for the theme in the new TMNT trailer is way worse than the original;It has nothing to do with the "sanctity" of the theme itself(i li...

  • Oxe posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower - Part 1.

    If you are interested in more historical based detecting i recommend the Broken Sword series.Honestly though, i wish they would just play adventure games in general, there are so many good and good-b...

  • Oxe posted a message on the post 618: Teach Gohan to Fish.

    The "It's time to play" slogan has been used by Sony in ads since November last year, hardly something a leaker had exclusive knowledge of.

  • Oxe posted a message on the post An Above Average Drummer’s Favorite Rock Band DLC of 2019.


  • Oxe posted a message on the post The Stretchers.

    I could tell it was a Sweden based developer the moment they drove out into the town :p

  • Oxe posted a message on the post Episode 211.

    @bageldrone:VR is EXTREMELY latency sensitive, even with a really small amounts the movement will feel super gross, weird and bad and stuff like motion sickness and dizzyness appear.Remote rendering w...