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I have been - and always shall be - your friend. Rest in peace Mr. Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy was an icon, a man without measure. Who taught us what it meant to be a true friend and to go where no man has gone before. But to me, he was more than that.

He was afternoons after school, coming home to watch syndicated reruns of Star Trek, the adventures of the Starship Enterprise and his struggles between his human and Vulcan sides, sometimes forgoing logic for emotions.

He was a conversation with parents, one of the first shows we watched together he played a character that spanned generations and brought us together.

Nimoy was my first comic convention and meeting all the cosplayers who dressed as him or other members of the Enterprise crew. Making an appearance via Skype he always seemed to love and respect the adoration the fans had of the series.

He was one of the first dates I had with my girlfriend, going to see the J.J. Abrams Star Trek sequel and seeing his face again after his amazing re-entry into the character in the previous movie. His haunting message about Kahn still resonates with me today.

And lastly, Nimoy was days at home with my loved one, binge-watching Netflix and as much Star Trek as we could stand in one sitting.

Leonard Nimoy meant a lot to a lot of people and he will live on in my memories. He shaped my love of Sci-Fi and I’ll forever be thankful for his trailblazing efforts.

Rest in peace Mr. Nimoy. I have been – and always shall be- your friend.