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Best of 2011-Elite Eight!

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  • Without question my favorite game of 2011, and probably my favorite game of all time.

  • This was neat, a game that is genuinely clever and has great acting. Also, it makes you feel like a genious for figuring things out.

  • Great! This was actually a 2011-ass game that I played in 2011, on account of playing it on PS3! Loved the whole thing, with a few Hammerhead-driving segments as the exeptions. Shadow Broker DLC strikes me as one of the greatest distilled gaming experiences I've ever had.

  • Guys, this is a game about a man who likes puzzles solving puzzling mysteries by solving puzzles.

  • Delightful is the new buzzword in gaming, and I'll get on the bandwagon and submit that this platformer definitely is that.

  • I played the DS version of this, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't published in 2011, but even so, I spent an unholy amount of hours with it.

  • A lovely, fuzzy, cozy game. Best played around halloween and christmas. Again, a game not released in 2011, but that doesn't really matter to me.

  • A lone iPad entry on my list; I've recently lost interest in gaming on the iPad almost completely. This, though, is pretty damned rad. HEADPHONES ON!!!