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#1  Edited By noibn

It's very likely your DVD drive is just a piece of crap or is failing/has failed (same thing has happened to me a couple of times on older PCs with crappy CD/DVD drives). I have noticed the quality of generic optical drives in recent years has degraded rapidly... the build quality just isn't what it used to be for the types of basic drives you get in pre-fab PCs anymore. If this is your problem, then all you can do is replace it. The good news is they are cheap. Just open up the PC to make sure you know what type of connector it uses before buying a replacement. Additionally, one last thing you can try is checking the cable connection while you have the PC open. Sometimes this sort of thing can be the fault of just a bad cable or a loose connection. Try unplugging both ends and firmly reattaching, reboot and test the drive again. Good luck.

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#2  Edited By noibn

@BurningDoom1 said:

@noibn said:

@BurningDoom1 said:

My only complaints are that it's far too short, I want more! And there was no exploration percentage of completion at the end, like there is on Metroid games. I'd like to know how well I did. I ended with 30 missiles and 45 life energy.

Did you get the "true" ending? If not, then there's still some more replay value left in it for ya...

I just heard about this on another message board. So do I have to make all "bad" decision to get that ending?

I don't remember the specifics anymore off the top of my head (been a long time since I've done it), but there are guides out there that tell you exactly what to do. There are just specific (and sometimes obscure) things you need to do at certain points in the game. If you do everything correctly, at the "end" you will have an additional area to play through and a new final boss. But beware, it's not for the faint of heart... good luck!

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#3  Edited By noibn

@BurningDoom1 said:

My only complaints are that it's far too short, I want more! And there was no exploration percentage of completion at the end, like there is on Metroid games. I'd like to know how well I did. I ended with 30 missiles and 45 life energy.

Did you get the "true" ending? If not, then there's still some more replay value left in it for ya...

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#4  Edited By noibn

It's good news for people who are interested in Wii U, but I'll still be getting it on PC (my preferred platform of choice). Can't wait for this one!

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#5  Edited By noibn

Played it when it was originally released (awesome game), and have vague recollections of just barely getting off the planet before time ran out. So yeah, it's not easy, but it's definitely do-able.

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#6  Edited By noibn

Trine! Awesome game. It's fun by yourself, but if you have someone else to play co-op with, it's even more fun. And Trine 2 is even better, so you might wanna add that to your games radar for future reference as well.

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#7  Edited By noibn

Not sure if this is the best thread to post this, but I just noticed that the Steam achievements for Puzzle Agent 2 don't get tracked by Giant Bomb at all, so maybe they need to be added or something?

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#8  Edited By noibn

Totally agreed on Super Mario Land. Great game, but it was a little short I thought... like you said, you just want more! I cleared every level 100% as well, but not with Luigi. Figured I would save that for some other time.

If you like Orcs Must Die, you may also want to check out Dungeon Defenders. I have been getting into it just recently, and it is fairly addictive. I believe they are roughly the same type of game (3rd person action/tower defense hybrid). And also features 4 player co-op! Much better than Sanctum, in my opinion. I like Sanctum, but the defense building in that game is just too clunky and tedious for me. Sanctum would have been so much better if you could just build your defenses from a top-down 'god' view.

As I don't have an Xbox, I have yet to check out Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, though I would like to. I am hoping it makes its way to PC eventually, like Limbo did.

And totally agreed on Portal 2. Could be my game of the year. Speaking of, have you played the most recent co-op DLC that came out? I keep forgetting about that. I did the main co-op campaign, but still haven;t done the DLC. If you haven't, let me know. Maybe we can play it together some time.

See you around!

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#9  Edited By noibn

I am not a Sonic fan at all really and I know nothing about Persona, but on all of your other points, I am in total agreement! Plus, who doesn't love lists?!?!? :)

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#10  Edited By noibn

It's been months and months and months, and the achievement syncing is still not working for me... :(