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Paranormal Disappointment 4

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Seeing this movie without seeing the previous installments in the series was probably not a good idea in the first place, but luckily I saw it with some friends that filled me in on what was going on because I would have had no clue what was going on during the movie! From what my friends told me, it just sounded like Paranormal Activity 4 was more of the same, except this time the movie was moving into the future with a bunch of new gadgets being used this time around. There seems to be a lot of product placement in the movie since there is a Kinect and a Macbook being featured in the movie. There are also some iPhones featured throughout too! I thought all of this stuff was cool, especially the use of the Kinect as a video device that showed all of the green tracking dots throughout the living room. This stuff got old though as they continuously used them over and over again.

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The movie is primarily only good for cheap scares, except I wouldn't even call them scares. I may have been startled a couple of times due to sudden noises or movements but that was pretty much it. The movie is more focused on jump scares than actual creepiness and that is clearly evident! I went into the movie thinking I may be scared a little bit, but instead I just made fun of it the whole time. People were saying that the last 10 minutes were the scariest part, but for me, it was not even that bad. It was just a bunch of running, noises, and weird devilish women...and then we don't even get an explanation or a clue to who they are! For me, the best scene was the garage scene because it was the most interesting part of the movie. That was the only point where I was wondering what was going to happen next...because the rest of the movie was also extremely predictable.

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Maybe that is why I wasn't scared so much. I was pretty much spot on with my guesses throughout the whole movie. There's a boy in a bubble bath...what's going to happen next?? Oh I don't know....maybe he drowns? Or a knife disappears into the ceiling...what's going to happen next? Let's see...does it come back and almost spear someone? Like I said before, they make it way to easy!

If you are one for jump scares and quick thrills, then this may be a movie for you. Otherwise, it seems that the other movies in the series were much better than this one...or at least a little more scarier than 4. If you are looking for a genuinely scary movie to see this Halloween in theatres how about you go see a movie like Sinister or the re-showing of Halloween.