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naunga's comments

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@stingo: Makes you wonder who Dan Ryckert really is doesn't it.

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Edited By naunga

I'll give this review props for not being like every other review out there and leading with "ZOMG! EA IS TEH EVAL DEVIL BECAUSE MICROTRANSACTIONS! NO MOAR GAMES FROM EA EVAH!"

I don't expect much from the campaigns in shooters. More important than telling a story to me is that it teach me the mechanics of the game. It was really light on that, so I found myself trying to figure out how to do basic stuff like crouch in the multiplayer.

I agree with stuff about the progression and the Star Cards system, but the actual gameplay is fun in my opinion, and I've noticed that the biggest metric that improves my game is time spent playing. Especially the dogfighting.

The biggest bummer for me is that most people are show hung up on the Star Card system, that they aren't going to play (or play for long), which means the multiplayer will get less and less populated just like The Division.

Is this EA's fault or is it the fault of amateur game "journalists" who focused solely on the microtransactions angle rather than answering the question that -- at least for me -- determines if I buy a game or not, which is, "is this game fun to play?"

This is why I appreciate Giant Bomb reviews so much, because they focus on the fun, and not the "politics" of the game. Keep up the great work.