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@grondoth: Yeah, the fight system is basically VF-lite. There are lots of cool arm, leg, and throw moves that you can train in order to master them (complete with new animation upgrades once you master a move). In addition, some of the elders around town can teach you new, hidden moves and you can find some at the house/buy really powerful ones from the antique shop. This game is very niche but if you're into some very specific things (adventure/rpgs, dating sims, fighting games, old arcade games, japanese culture) it's a really cool experience.

@grondoth Yes. They can also train up specific moves to be more effective and assign moves to the L and R buttons for easy access, if I remember right.

Just R, L still serves as the run button in battle. L + A makes for a sweet drop kick, IIRC.

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@ungodly: I completely forgot about Maken X! Yeah, a game like that makes it apparent that Shenmue is more life-sim than game. I totally get why a lot of people are not into that.

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@ungodly: It's always been divisive and that's reflected in it's review scores. Still, they are mostly very positive:

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@nasher27 said:
@awkwardloser said:

Seriously going to do a half an hour episode after the last two episodes were barely progressable and there was a weekend? Also most of the half hour/40 minute episodes felt like they could've been edited into 2 episodes, it's kinda very frustrating to watch these sometimes due to the pacing.

Seems to me like that's more the game's fault, not the crew's.

Vinny has become Shenmue: "I will make little progress for 30 minutes. Wanna see more? Come back at 3am est tomorrow!"

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Edited By Nasar7

@gyozilla: On the contrary, by beating the game early you miss out on seeing neat stuff like the girls in kimonos for Christmas/New Year's. Come on, you should know better by now what kind of game Shenmue is :)

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@jcibella: On the other hand, you could say that they failed to Endure and resorted to leaving the game running rather than playing the game for another 20 minutes. They might just wanna end the entire ER now. In fact it might be time to pack it all up, turn off the lights, and go home. Shenmue has destroyed GBeast.

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@bolognarock: I don't think @gregalor is talking about you, duder. He's referring to the type of people you replied to who don't have anything more to say other than "wow this game sucks" without adding anything to the conversation.

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Edited By Nasar7

What delicious irony. This whole time the game has been punishing them for trying to mainline the story, and now they have to burn a whole day for taking a few minutes to do some side stuff.

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@bolognarock: It's his savings account statement, not a bill. He suspects it's not enough for a ticket to Hong Kong thus it's out. It's a confusing moment since it happens so quickly and is only clear in retrospect.

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Edited By Nasar7

@iodine said:
@cooljammer00 said:
@humanity said:
@cooljammer00 said:

@danryckert the questions you ask about the NYC of yore would be answered if you ever watched some Law and Order. The old joke is that at the time, the NYC of real life was more dangerous than the one on TV which had people being murdered every single week, and now the one on TV is probably more dangerous than the NYC of real life.

Also fuck Giuliani. Any goodwill he had has been undone by his decade of presidential campaigns focused solely on fearmongering and 9/11 references.

I don't know man, the guy REALLY cleaned up New York in a way that can't be overshadowed by some crummy campaigning. Like Manhattan used to be a dangerous neighborhood - thats nuts to think about today.

Hmm, I get you. I might just be too young to fully grasp it, but like...I get it, this place used to be dangerous and now it's much less so, but the "Broken Windows" and Zero Tolerance stuff was often just a smokescreen for cop bullshit and organized attacks against the poor and also the black population, a la "Stop and Frisk". There's no guarantee that it was actually the reason why NYC got "better", and if anything, the evidence suggests that the cleanliness of NYC was a result of programs put in place by previous mayors, not Giuliani. He's the Joe Torre to Ed Koch's Buck Showalter, coasting on his predecessor's success.

Also I just think Giuliani is a scummy dude who didn't give a shit about the people. He cracked down on the mafia because he had an Italian name and couldn't have people thinking he had mob ties, even though he definitely did.

Would just like to add in, fuck Rudy Giuliani, his "America's Mayor" bullshit has always been just that, bullshit.

He is a cancerous, race baiting, sexist little shit, but hey, making sure Times Square can have a second TGI fridays and being all law and order makes up for how he treated (and still treats a talking head) civil liberties like a disease

Fuck Rudy Giuliani. Who knew that piece of shit could unite this community?