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Metal Gear March!

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So recently I put up a poll asking what i should play next now that I've S-ranked (a.k.a 100% all trophies) Ni No Kuni. Since there is nothing until April that I want to buy I figured that I'd dig through something in my back catalog. Well, the votes went in and Final Fantasy IX won. I was all set to play this until I really thought about it. Going from doing 115 hours into another fairly long RPG might end up with me just being burnt out. So, I'm going to go with the next thing on the list... Metal Gear Solid HD collection. Then I thought wait... why stop there? I haven't played the original Metal Gear Solid in quite some time and I have a digital copy of that. I also haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4 since the trophy patch either. So... here is my goal. I'm going to attempt to beat the following during march.

  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Metal Gear Solid 2 HD
  • Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater HD
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD

I figure the games are short enough that this is plenty possible for me to get everything beaten before the end of the month. Not entirely sure if I want to do blogs as I beat the games or If I'm just going to update my entire experience after the end of the month. We'll see! Anyways I've got some wheat toast and a cup of coffee here and the entire day off from work. So as soon as I post this I'm starting up the first game. Too bad VR Missions wasn't on PSN to download. Also slight poll what do you guys think should I just beat the main game or should I beat all of the VR missions and in the case of MGS 2 the "Snake Tales"? Or should I just count beating the game as JUST doing the main story? Anyways, commence Metal Gear Mondays!

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Edited By musubi

Well, almost done with Metal Gear Solid. I just beat Vulcan Raven so next up is Metal Gear Rex after I go through this duuuuumb process of heating and cooling this PAL card. Which is by far my least favorite portion of the entire game.

So running through this today I did remember most of the little gameplay tricks and story beats but one thing that I think I may have overlooked every time I've played so far unless its explained within the next few minutes is they got Baker's launch code via torture but they obviously didn't get the DARPA chief's since Ocelot went overboard with the torture and killed him. So unless they got the DARPA chief's code some other way which I overlooked this is a huge oversight? Then again, like i said its been awhile... like almost 10 years since I've last played this game so... I've forgotten a ton about the details. So I dunno if anyone can explain that one shoot cause I'm game.

Anyways, this game freaking holds up man. The controls are archaic for sure but damn man the boss fights are still fucking GREAT boss fights. The Cyborg Ninja fight is great and that sniper wolf death scene STILL makes me get weepy every damn time I see it that is until Otocon shows up and ruins the entire mood of the scene. Anyways, I've got to be up for work in like 6-ish hours so I'll leave the last hour or so for tomorrow. Then I'll dive right into Metal Gear Solid 2... or...possibly I'll tackle all of the VR missions in MGS first. Who knows! I blew through 1 out of the 5 games in one day so I'm really upping the pace on this thing already.

Metal Gear March continues tomorrow~!

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That plot detail you're talking about with the'll be explained once you insert the card keys.

Cool that you're playing through the Metal Gear games. The first game is the only one I played, while the rest save for Peace Walker I just watched all the cutscenes and codecs. While I wasn't fond of how it controlled or the stealth mechanics, all the weird novel stuff in that game was interesting enough for me to keep going. Not to mention the story being very good and not being far up its own ass like later games (not to say the far up its own ass plots of later games aren't amazing either). Even knowing about it for many years, actually fighting Psycho Mantis and the process you go through with switching controller ports was still really damn cool to do.

If at some point in the future I were to get all the current MGS games, I'd want to see how playing them in chronological order would go. Probably uneven in terms of gameplay, but watching this series' timeline of fucking insanity in chronological order would be really fascinating, retcons and all.

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i wish the blogs and the profile and following stuff was working like the old site so i can properly keep an eye on your blog.

nice to hear the moments of mgs 1 still are awesome.kojima always said he wanted to do a proper remake of mgs 1, wouldnt be surprised to see that happen next gen.

cant wait till you get to 3, which imo tells the best story out of the series and i think is one of the best stories in gaming. its a great mix of the over the top that metal gear is known for,and its a great character driven story of the boss and naked snake

interested to see what you think once you reach to 4, as i maintain that game gets too much rearview hate now.

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@demoskinos: Good show sir, might do my tread through the series again haven't marathon the series since maybe high school 8 years ago. By the way when playing through MGS are you playing it on an original psx or a ps3? If Ps3 does that Psycho Mantis trick still show up?

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Wow I'm jealous, I wish I had the time to go through the whole series again! You're right that MGS1 still holds up, though if I remember correctly the controls don't change all that much until 4. I'm definitely going to play through 3 again this summer, my favourite game of the series and one of all-time (and I really want to snipe The End, rather than wimping out and letting time get the better of him). My, how much poorer would video-games be if it wasn't for Kojima and his team?

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@i_stay_puft: Um playing the digital version from PSN. And yes the mantis trick still works and its easier than ever considering all you have to do on PS3 to change controller ports is hit the PS Button and select it from the menu.

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I have been planning on an MGS marathon for months, having started playing MGS again last year but lost momentum when I reached the second Sniper Wolf fight.

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For some reason, all I can think of is Metal Gear RAY leading all the soldiers through New York to this tune. Don't ask me why.

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you're doing god's work. I did this last year (having only finished 3 before that) and it was a hell of a ride.

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Been meaning to return to MGS2 since I beat it last year. Didn't really like it at first but as the weeks went on afterwards thinking about the game, I enjoyed a lot of it, especially the Kojima "bullshit" that people call it.

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The funny thing here is while the gap of time is much larger between when I last played MGS I remember so much more about it than I do MGS 2, 3 or even MGS 4 which I played not all that long ago around 2010. Just goes to show how amazing the first game was. The fact that Jeff thinks MGS2 is better shatters my mind.

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If you have the time, consider playing the two original Metal Gear games. I believe they are included with MGS3 if you have the Subsistence version.

I beat MGS about a month ago for the first time. The game is well put-together up until the Vulcan Raven fight. Past that point, the game degenerated fast for me. The fights with Metal Gear, Liquid, and the escape just didn't click for me. I am sure they were amazing at the time, but I just ended up getting frustrated with the Metal Gear fight and was ready for the game to end then and there.

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Edited By musubi

And that concludes Metal Gear Solid! Final stats are below. #MetalGearMarch rolls onward! Crazy that I use to be able to speed run this with No Rations or Saves. Not to bad though for my first run through the game in about 10 years.

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So Metal Gear Solid 2 is well on its way. Im past the tanker and just started The Big Shell part of the game with Raiden. And Im fairly convinced that this game is the craziest thing Kojima had ever done. Just thinking back now at how the marketing for this game was being pushed and everyone playing the game and getting Raiden instead of snake. Really excited to continue on.

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Edited By BoOzak

I'm curious. What kept you away from the franchise up until now?

(you can skip the VR & Snake tales, they're alright but they can get a bit repetitive)

EDIT: Sorry misread the OP (i'm tired...)

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So! Metal Gear. This is my favourite franchise but I'll try not to flood your blog like I've done to so many other MGS bloggers.

1. VR & Snake Tales

They're not essential if you just want to experience "playing the game". But consider this! Some of the best gameplay in the franchise is in those VR Missions (both MGS1 [Integral/VR] and 2). It was a real playground for the designers to push the limits of the stealth and action systems. I enjoyed Snake Tales a lot at the time (you barely play as Snake in MGS2 so it was a cool treat), but not sure where I stand on it now.

2. The Raiden Switch

Craziest thing Kojima has done? Duder. Craziest thing that ever happened in video game history. Easy. What a trick! Oh I'm sorry, you though Snake was the main character? Funny enough Kojima is also responsible for the Number 2 craziest thing, being the "look on the back of the CD case for Meryl's code" bullshit that fucked so many renters all those years ago.

Good luck with the rest and keep it comin! Maybe I'll join your for Peace Walker, that's been burning a serious hole in my backlog.

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@geraltitude: Its cool. I enjoy seeing what others think of the Metal Gear Games. =)

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That's the spirit. I spent a couple of months playing Metal Gear - MGS4 in chronological order in 2011. worth every minute. I haven't dived into my copy of the HD collection yet. I may charge my PSP and Transfarr the hell out of Peace Walker this year. This is great timing for you man, we're bound to start hearing more about Ground Zeroes and or MGS5 in the coming months.

Have fun.

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Have you already played them all already?

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So, update for those who erm... care? I guess? I'm mostly through Metal Gear Solid 2 from what I can tell. I'm at the first Vamp Boss fight. And he... killed me and the last time I saved was right before you get the Nikita launcher to break out the President because I'm trying to do this with as minimal of saves as possible alongside No Kills/Alerts (except the Alerts mandated by the story)

So going to bed. Hopefully I'll beat it tomorrow or get close at least... got 3 more games to plow through. If I have time I'll go back and clean up on VR missions /Snake tales and the like.

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OOOOOKAY! Metal Gear March Rolls on! Metal Gear Solid 2 done. Results below. I'm a little pissed because I didn't realize until after I got to the Solidus fight that using the R3 to "Stab" even when you turned the H.F. Blade to stun still kills dudes so...I SHOULD have had zero kills. UGH! Anyways...

Okay so, I was a lot younger when I played Metal Gear Solid 2 the first time and I think a lot of it went over my head and I just didn't appreciate it. This is only the 2nd time I've ever beaten it. DUDE. THIS GAME IS THE SAINTS ROW 3 OF FUCKING MGS. IT IS INSANE. Seriously, I forgot what a batshit crazy left turn this game takes once you board arsenal gear. Solid Snake literally at one point answers Raiden's inquery about how much ammo he has by pointing to his headband and saying "Infinite Ammo" BOOM. 4th wall shattered. And yeah, I know MGS has always flirted a bit with 4th wall breaking by characters referring to controller buttons and functions in normal conversation but maaaan the end of that game just breaks the coconut wide open.

Its great though if you can step back and just appreciate it for its lunacy. Which was exactly what I think I missed the first time around. I tried to take the game WAY to seriously the first time I played it. Which isn't to say that this game doesn't have serious moments because it does but the "serious" moments come from the character moments. It took me way longer than I needed to get through the game as I ended up retrying segments over...and over...and over until I got them right. You'll see I also cut down on my saves and rations used from Metal Gear Solid 1 run. Again, trying to improve and see if I can get better. I think if I kept running the game I could eventually have it down to a science. Anyways, Metal Gear March rolls on with Metal Gear Solid 3 and that starts NOW! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake Eaaater!

One last thing for anyone who has read this far I still think the Patriots overall intentions for the Big Shell stuff was a bit lost on me. I get that Ocelot said that the entire thing was designed to recreate Shadow Moses but I'm still lost on their overall intentions. Was it simply to gather data to formulate a way to essentially reproduce soldiers with the ability of Solid Snake? Anyways, results below. Metal Gear March rolls on.

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Edited By NoobSauceG7

I just beat MGS1 and really liked it! I honestly don't know what to say now I am in such awe of it but I am so glad that I played it and will playthrough MGS2 now!

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Man....I wish I could go back to MGS1. I've tried a few time in the past years, but I just couldn't get a handle on the overall change after playing so many hours of MGS4.

I've considered purchasing a Wii...or Gamecube to just play Twin Snakes, and scratch that itch.

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Overall I like MGS1 the best but man, MGS2 is incredible; I don't care what anyone says. Everything is insane to the nth degree so yeah, don't take it serious.

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Edited By musubi

@noobsauceg7: Cool so you did end up going through with it and playing the first game? Glad you enjoyed it. Its my favorite of the series and quite possibly the game that has had the biggest impact on me overall.

@firecracker22 Yeah, I've thought of getting the Twin Snakes as well. I've got a Wii but I'm to lazy to hunt down a gamecube controller and a copy of twin snakes.

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@demoskinos: Yea I played the first game on PSN. The only problem with the PSN port was that I had to change the controls to Analog every time I played so that I can use the sticks to move, also having a SIXAXIS made the parts where the controller would vibrate not as impactful, but I heard enough about what happens then that it was ok. Even with all these small nuances (none of them the games fault) It was really fun! I have MGS2 and MGS3 on 360 from the game sale last week and am starting MGS2 today. Can't wait!

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@firecracker22: Twin Snakes is a really hard game to recommend. In theory, implementing SoL's gameplay sounds great but it ends up really breaking that game's level design. You should also know that Ryuhei Kitamura's cinematic direction is incredibly over the top and has Snake doing a backflip in half a dozen scenes, the 'best' of which is the Hind D fight where Snake backflips onto an incoming missile, jumps off and shoots a Stinger rocket into the cockpit. It's soooo duuuumb.

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@daneian: Yeah, but dumb goes hand in hand with the series. I don't see why Twin Snakes rubbed so many people wrong. I thought it was the last decent thing Silicon Knights actually put out.

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@demoskinos: To be fair about it, I used to be one of those assholes who took the series really seriously, so I'm willing to admit that some of the absurdities (that missile scene!) might have gotten to me more than they should have. I got cured though, so I'm willing to look at it again.

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@daneian: I'd encourage you do so. That was my exact problem with Metal Gear Solid 2. I went in wanting Metal Gear Solid 1 part 2 instead of the insanity that MGS2 had to offer. Now that I've stepped back I think I appreciated it much more.

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Yeah, it sounded like the slapstick was more apparent with what sounds like more physical comedy.

Didn't Hideo Kojima disown Twin Snakes, too? I know if they were ever going to do an HD remake of MGS1...they'd have to use Twin Snakes to avoid having to create an entirely new game from nothing. I was actually expecting them to go this route when I'd heard the rumor about an MGS HD Collection in the first place.

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That was a really hilarious blog entry. I had a vision of that bandanna scene as you described it, so funny.

I was pretty shocked when I played this and found out you didn't play as Snake but as it goes on it becomes pretty exciting just to see Snake from this weird perspective. It's a strange thing for a game to do. I'm really excited for you to experience Snake Eater.

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Edited By musubi

Metal Gear Solid 3 is finished! So, on to Metal Gear Solid 4 but before I do that time for a little reflection on MGS3. So this is no secret but man this game is FAN-tastic. There are a few boss fights that are real highlights. The End , The Fury and of course The Boss. While its a TAD bit more grounded than Metal Gear Solid 2 its still got crazy by the buckets. Most of this crazy all revolves around Ocelot who is an adorable asshole the entire way through the game. I had to facepalm when he actually Meows to summon his unit. Its goddamn hilarious. Then there is him constantly getting owned by both Snake and EVA the entire game. The camo system really changes up how stealth works too and is really fun to play around with. Few gripes though... that sequence at the end having to get EVA through the forest of armed guards is a pain in the ass especially if you're trying to do it while not being seen.

Anyways.... results are below. I'm really looking forward to getting to Metal Gear Solid 4 and Peace Walker especially since I've never played more than the first 20 minutes on PSP. I'll be back with another update after I finish Metal Gear Solid 4.

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Okay... Emergency update here. I found a photo taken in-game with the camera in Metal Gear Online of my character that was still on my Hard Drive. Thankfully MGS4 let me access and export this to a JPEG. So I have one final reminder of my time with my MGO character "Hayley". I worked so goddamn hard to get that Red Beret. =)

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@demoskinos: For MGS 2, the true intentions of the Patriots with Big Shell was to harden Raiden, who is their puppet, to the same level of Snake, but also to test their ability to manipulate and control people at large in the information age.

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@demoskinos: I just beat MGS3 today too! This series is really damn awesome, although I am upset at myself for not playing them when they came out, playing them back-to-back for the first time just really is an awesome experience and is getting me pumped for Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. I have liked all of the MGS games so far for different reasons and MGS3 is the perfect James Bond game. Everything about it really, the sneaking, the hunger system, the betrayals, the camo, all the cool spy stuff, the witty humor (especially with Para-Medic about how each of those movies is a similar situation that Snake is into), all of the other characters, the cinematic cutscenes. It is crazy how 2 and 3 are so different, yet both so awesome for entirely different reasons. I am going to start 4 tonight and MAN this has been awesome!

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Edited By musubi

@noobsauceg7: Nice, seems were about keeping pace with each other. =D No spoilers at all but I'll give you a tip about Metal Gear Solid 4 seriously have at least a few hours free after you finish the last portion of game play. The ending is seriously nearly 45-60 minutes long AFTER the final confrontation.

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@demoskinos: Awesome! That is exactly what I want haha.

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Edited By Karl_Boss

No love for MGS 2 VR Missions?

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Edited By Video_Game_King

No love for MGS 2 VR Missions?

Are those even on the HD Collection?

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@guided_by_tigers said:

No love for MGS 2 VR Missions?

Are those even on the HD Collection?

Absolutely, there is even an achievement tied to beating all of them.....took me 30 hours give or take to beat them all, some are extremely difficult.

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@video_game_king: I think the only thing cut from the MGS HD collection is the skateboarding mini game in MGS2 and the boss survival mode in 3.

I wish 4 had some kind of VR mode, MGO was nice but it wasnt integrated very well.

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I'm assuming the multiplayer was also cut from 3? Because they cut the shit out of it in the 3DS version.

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@video_game_king: Yes multiplayer was cut from 3, Peace Walker still has multiplayer though even though the VS. multiplayer is shit.

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Edited By musubi

@video_game_king said:

@guided_by_tigers said:

No love for MGS 2 VR Missions?

Are those even on the HD Collection?

Absolutely, there is even an achievement tied to beating all of them.....took me 30 hours give or take to beat them all, some are extremely difficult.

I'd have no time to beat all 5 games if I stopped to go through all the extra content like that. I may go back and play through again for some trophies and what not at a later date. Right now I'm just worried about actually getting through MGS4 and Peace Walker before the end of the month. If I play my cards right I'll have a week for both. If I get done early I'll try to fit in Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.

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@boozak said:

@video_game_king: I think the only thing cut from the MGS HD collection is the skateboarding mini game in MGS2 and the boss survival mode in 3.

I wish 4 had some kind of VR mode, MGO was nice but it wasnt integrated very well.

I believe another thing left out is the Man Savage mini game for the MGS3 nightmare sequence.

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Edited By musubi

@boozak said:

@video_game_king: I think the only thing cut from the MGS HD collection is the skateboarding mini game in MGS2 and the boss survival mode in 3.

I wish 4 had some kind of VR mode, MGO was nice but it wasnt integrated very well.

That is because in Japan Metal Gear Online was a entirely separate product sold apart from Metal Gear Solid 4. It was just shoehorned into Metal Gear Solid 4 in North America and Europe because it wouldn't have had any audience as a stand alone product.

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@demoskinos: I've been meaning to play through all of these as well for a while now. I'm playing through Rising right now and I love it. I think I'm going to do it after I beat that. I saw that Rising wasn't on your list though, no plans to play it?