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I don't get it.

I seriously don't get it. Why do so many people love Final Fantasy? FFVII was the last great FF-game, in my opinion. Now all the games are so melodramatic and focuses on wuzzie characters that whine all day long, insted of heroes saving the world. Even when it comes to the new one, FFXIII, which is kinda considered a mediocre game, there are a lot of guys saving it's fantastic. Just like FFVIII and FFX. The characters are either, completly ridiculus (Like Wakka in FFX), or total whimps that you don't want to root for, but rather see die a painfull death (Like Tidus in FFX).
I am a RPG-gamer. I've played enough of them to be considered someone that knows what he's talking about. Phantasy Star, FF, Valkyrie Profile.. But it seems to be a real lack of good old school-RPGs nowadays. Western RPGs are the ones that matter now. Dragon age, Mass effect, and so on. But most of these games are blends of genres, like Mass effect. 
The most recent really good J-RPG most be Persona 4. I didn't really care for Persona 3, it was okay, but not more. Persona 4 was instant love for me. The first time I saw Chie kick a monster, I let out a joyfull giggle. I know this game doesn't have real classic heroes, but the script is so well-written so you buy it. Teenagers fighting monsters in some weird world, so they can stop a murderer. But this game isn't like other J-RPGs. It's like if you took Pokémon, some date-simulator and some manga, and mixed it in a blender. 
That seems to be what asian game-developers needs to do. Come up with new ideas, and good stories. And seriously.. Make their heroes not so... feminine or weird..