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Inciting Insurrection for fun, profit, and grades

I had to write that 3 times because erection kept working its way in. Fucking Freud.  
Anyway, I am several chapters into my book, tentatively titled "What the Fuck Have I Gotten Myself Into: Holy shit thats a lot of pages", or Dead Drop. Either works. Its a typical airport-novel, with lots of stock characters (a big tough FBI agent, the hot, snarky ATF agent, the gruff-but-lovable Boss agent, and the lone-wolf erudite terrorist mastermind), explosive action set pieces, and fast moving globe-trotting scenes.  Its been fun so far, feedback has been good, and now I am realizing the importance of plotting out your story before you start typing. 
I need to cause enough of a shit storm in the US, that some small groups of citizens take up the antagonists cause, and get absolutely brutally butt-fucked by the full might of the U.S. military, as has been the case in the past with small insurrections. However, Shay's rebellion wasn't put down with A-10 strikes, so the sheer bloodbath, with more prodding from my mysterious Tinkerer stirs an even bigger wave of unrest and distrust, and more armed uprising. Powder kegs, and such.  
But what could one man, reasonably well equipped, connected, and educated, do to stir up the populace? So far its been general domestic terror acts to stir general chaos, but it needs to head towards this specific goal, and I'm not sure how. How do you actually start the class struggle? Devalue the economy, hurt the stock market, make leaders seem ineffectual. Those kinds of ideas. I'm about to blow up the Golden gate Bridge, so don't feel timid. I would really appreciate the feedback y'all.