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  • mrmiaowmiaow posted a message in the forum topic Is NL a Good Investment?. on the General Discussion board

    I agree with the majority of sentiment above. I would only really consume East Coast content. There was just a fun vibe, and even if they forced it now and then it came across naturally. I like Brad b...

  • mrmiaowmiaow followed Giant Bombcast .
  • mrmiaowmiaow posted a message on the post Episode 252.

    Can people stream podcast vids on this site seamlessly? if you can I am very jealous of you, doesn't matter where I am how quick the internet is it's a very challenging way of consuming this, same wit...

  • mrmiaowmiaow posted a message on the post Episode 250.

    Thanks mike you eased the transition of the post dan hangover while bringing your own vibe and good times. Honestly occasionally overcooked the minutiae In games for me but the best you brought was so...