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Castle of Illusion is incredible.

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Average score of 36 user reviews

More Halo, Pretty Fun 0

Halo cannot continue to just be dumb shit that doesn't progress, as much as I'd like it to. Halo 5 has to continue on the Halo 4 tradition of a story, one that I... frankly don't give a shit about because it's Halo, but whatever. So Halo 5 is a lot of fun. It's dumb, it controls fantastically and if I have an hour to just blow through a mission, I will. The graphics are fantastic, the frame-rate in general is great, the soundtrack works but most importantly, it just plays great... and to me, tha...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Simplicity Lost, Downgraded Game 0

Jetpac was such an awesome game given the context of where it was released and at what time. Simplicity was key and Jetpac had it down so well, shoot, jump, get spaceship and/or fuel, win level. It was a lot of fun and addicting. Lunar Jetman bombs any shred of fun from the previous game. It is a more complicated game, it is a game with a sort of story, it is attacking someone's base and finally and most importantly: It's shit.The idea is something with potential but is completely squandered th...

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A Fun Enough Game in a Weird Time-Frame. 0

Rare's first game, well... I guess it was Rare in a sense, was Jetpac, a game that was as simplistic as the Spectrum was blargh. It's a game that sold in excess of 300,000 units on the Spectrum when there were only 1 Million Spectrum owners out there. It's a game that sold more than almost any game on the system or on multiple systems at the time... and weirdly enough, I can see why. In a time where the world had seen the future with Pac-Man, but the home video game market would remain in the st...

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A Game Boy Puzzle Game... Yeah. 0

Yoshi for the Game Boy is a puzzle game... on the Game Boy. It's pretty much as simple as it sounds. There is no story, no development, it's basically a tag-along to Tetris on the Game Boy with a Mario skin, which is totally OK if you ask me. Enemies rain from the sky and you have to pair them to make them disappear at the bottom. The graphics are fine, music is fine, game play is fun... It's a puzzle game on the Game Boy. You've seen this before, but then at the same time, these kind of games ...

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A Story 0

One time, way back when I was a kid and I owned a Sega Master System, I went to the local video rental store with my Dad, which also rented video games out and coincidentally, was the reason I went there a lot. We saw Sonic Spinball and I thought it looked really cool, for some reason I remember that box-art looking pretty bad ass, like... maybe a little darker than the original Sonic games, so I thought I needed to check it out, let's get that one!Well, I kind of in the back of my head knew th...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Ghoulish Classic 0

Decap Attack is a genuine fucking surprise. I had heard about this game once on a show called Game Sack and that aside, not one word. I guess one thing to point out is that Decap Attack is a remade version of a Japanese game that looks completely different and has completely different characters. I think I prefer the look of the Japanese version but don't hold me to that, I haven't played it yet. This however, I played basically all the way through until the end in one sitting. It was awesome.D...

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Disappointing Follow-Up 0

Sonic the Hedgehog for the master system very well might be my favorite Sonic game ever made... maybe. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the master system has a slight graphical edge in a sense and completely original worlds and levels not inspired by its Mega Drive counterpart at all... some people may prefer that one to the original master system game in fact, it's really great. Sonic Chaos... well, certainly doesn't improve anything... but it isn't horrible... so there's that, right?The biggest problem...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Really Great, Overlooked Money-Gouger 0

Little Samson's a game that is pretty much Doki Doki Panic-Super Mario 2 levels of infamous on the internet if you follow the right circles. It's a game that was released late in the systems lifespan, a game that was sold in small quantities and now commands high prices for anyone collecting NES games. I guess the difference is unlike a lot of the NES games that command ridiculous prices, this one is worth owning (albeit for a much lower price than what it's going for). Little Samson is short ga...

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Unknown Classic 0

Trip World is really an unknown. Then again, when you aren't released in the America's, it's easy to be forgotten, just look at a good 75% of the Sega Master System's library. Trip World is another Sunsoft game that somehow managed to skip its own ceremony of greatness, much like Ufouria and Gimmick! and at some point, you have to feel sorry for the company. They brought out so many amazingly intricate games with console defining graphics only to be swept under the rug.Trip World is a game quite...

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An Enjoyable Waste of an Hour 0

When you think of the Nintendo Game Boy, you think of Super Mario Land, Tetris, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, etc. The funny thing is, the same characters and franchises that made the Nintendo Entertainment System popular makes its smaller cousin popular... so why is this game largely forgotten? Seems like when people do compilations of the games they played on the Game Boy, this one is strangely absent, which is weird, because I know quite a lot of people who played it when they were young...

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Third 16-bit Mickey Classic 0

I'm not going to lie, I love Disney and I love Mickey Mouse. This review will be about as subjective as my mind will let it. Mickey Mouse is a big part of my life and with this game, I believe they made a third 16-bit masterpiece out of Mickey. The graphics are just incredible. I mean really, this is one of the best 16-bit games period when it comes to the quality of the sprites. Wow. The music is fantastic, being a person that decided on the Sega-CD version, Mickey Mania sounds just how I imagi...

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A Forgotten Classic 0

A lot of the time the thing that frustrates me about the 8-bit generation the most is the absence of knowledge on some of the best games that came from the release of the Sega Master System. Some of those Disney games are literally the prime of the generation and they're just completely forgotten about. However, it isn't every day that you play a Nintendo Entertainment System game that just completely masters every part of what they're trying to achieve... and no-one discusses it.Well with this ...

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The Perfect Step Forward 0

The good thing about Pokemon Gold and Silver is that it really didn't need to upgrade the system fully yet. When Ruby and Sapphire came, I feel like the formula had run its course... where as with Gold and Silver, the franchise hadn't grown and been around long enough that this moderate upgrade wasn't enough. It really was. Looking at the game purely objectively, this could easily be the best Pokemon game of all time.The details on the Pokemon's sprites this time during battles are so much more...

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Fleshing out Dream Land 2 0

Kirby's Dream Land 2 is actually... rather different than the original Game Boy game, which may surprise people if they didn't manage to play the second Kirby game, Kirby's Adventure for the NES. Instead of just sucking in and spitting out enemies, you can suck them in and take their abilities, that and the game is much longer. It's not a bad change and it will definitely gets more game out of the cartridge. Weirdly, I think I actually prefer the first game simply because it's the absolute perfe...

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It's Ms. Pacman for the NES 0

What do you expect...The graphics are worse than the arcade but good. Obviously this is classic arcade so there are no backgrounds as such. The sound is a little more horrific to listen to but it's the same melodies, just with completely monotonous NES chipsounds. This is Ms. Pacman. It's awesome... but you already knew that....

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Standard Platforming Fare 0

I decided to watch one of those "Every NES game in 10 minutes" videos on Youtube recently, just looking for a new game to play on one of, if not my favorite system. This was a game I rarely heard about, but what I had heard seemed to paint it as nothing more than a Super Mario Bros, 3 clone, or something lower than the Mario Bros. franchise, lacking its own charm. To me, it looked like a pretty great platformer with a charm deriving from the obvious source material. How right and wrong I was.It'...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

SMS Classic 0

The Sega Master System has some of the best Disney games ever made, period. The fact that this goes unnoticed is so fucking annoying. The graphics for Lucky Dime Caper are spectacular, far beyond anything the NES could do, even at the end of its lifecycle. It has one of the only Master System soundtracks that doesn't grate on the ears due to just how catchy it is. The controls are fantastic as far as platforming games of the era are concerned. This game is one of the best 8-bit games ever made, ...

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An amazing counterpart to Castle of Illusion 0

Castle of Illusion is often seen as the absolute must-have Mickey Mouse game released for the Sega Genesis, but World of Illusion is a game on-par with its predecessor and probably out does it in some senses. While it's a shorter game and an easier one at that, World of Illusion never fails to charm based on its fantastic graphical capabilities, its amazing soundtrack and its world. The game plays a little differently than Castle of Illusion, your main attack is actually a cape-swipe… it'...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A great for the Master System 0

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is oddly minimalist and atmospheric, but also harsher than the original on the Master System. In what seemed like a last-resort for the master system, Sonic the Hedgehog was the last game released for the system in the United States, which means that Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was actually a Europe exclusive in the west, at least on the master system itself, with releases happening on the Game Gear in the US. Although I wouldn't say it exceeds the spectacular highs of its predeces...

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Perhaps the best Sega Master System game ever made 0

Cloud Master is probably my favorite Sega Master System game of all time and at the same time, it could be underwhelming to big shooter fans. I mean, it plays like a lot of games of this time, but for me what really sets it apart is the aesthetic presentation of the game. Although it came out for many different systems, the master system really makes the games graphical style shine. It takes from Chinese mythology and... is probably vaguely racist but as a gaijin, I can't really tell. Plus who r...

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A Fun, Difficult Game 0

A fun game for the Genesis if a little disposable, I don't find many appealing or original traits in a lot of what it brings to the table, but what it does, it for the most part delivers. The graphics just do not appeal to me in any way... the audio really isn't anything special either. It's a difficult game but for what it is, it is a fun little distraction....

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The Best NES Game Ever Made 0

Super Mario Bros 3, for the time it came out, was unlike anything ever seen on the original Nintendo. Sure you had some pretty graphically great games, but nothing quite looked as clear, as colorful and as artistic as Super Mario Bros 3. It really is a sight to behold. It really is a incredibly fleshed out version of the original, we have the mushroom kingdom but in a way far unlike what we've seen before. I would say of any game in the series, Mario 3 is probably the biggest step up from the it...

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A Longer, Bigger Adventure with Kirby 0

The original Kirby for the Game Boy was an incredibly accessible, incredibly short adventure with Kirby in Dream Land. The graphics were beyond anything I had really saw on the system, they were so distinguishable and clear, so cute and colorful despite the grey screen. I described it in a previous review as a game that, if in color, would be SO colorful. Kirby's Adventure for the Nintendo Entertainment System is the game I feel HAL was probably trying to give to Kirby, a more fleshed-out advent...

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A Genius Move No-one Else Saw 0

Nintendo re-package their franchises over and over but it almost never feels dated or overused. On the contrary, what Nintendo are masters of is taking a franchise and spinning it in a completely different direction. Mario Kart is such an odd concept I would love to know how this idea came around, but it's genius. The idea of bringing a racing game to the Mario franchise isn't exactly a fantastic concept on paper, but put in items from the Mario universe and you have one of the freshest ideas I ...

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Early Genesis Classic 0

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse is one of the earlier releases for the Sega Genesis and it showed just what the Genesis was capable of. Compared to the graphical capability of the Genesis, Nintendo looked like a child's toy and this may be the start of Sega's early 90's reign before the Super Nintendo's release. Castle of Illusion is a game with such amazing creative charm, the most colorful worlds, one of the best game soundtracks, fantastic gameplay, it was basically perfect early Gen...

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Not Without its Charms 0

Kid Dracula for the famicom is an interesting game, it spins Castlevania on its head, it plays a little bit more like a Mega Man and its atmosphere is far more comedic and fun, but purposely so. The platforming is actually pretty great and graphically it has that Japanese cutesy style which seems to be very popular with a certain demographic, including myself. In fact, when I first saw the game I thought it was going to be a long-forgotten classic, but it's more like a great ride while it lasts....

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A Turbo-Grafx Classic 0

I think the most criminal thing about Magical Chase is that it's a rarity on the TurboGrafx... a console that, when compared to the Nintendo and to an extent even the Master System, was a rarity itself. The Turbo was definitely the console of choice when looking for side-scrolling shooters but a lot of them just had a completely unpersonable approach to me. Like, I guess it's just my choice of shooter but I was never a big fan of just being some airship shooting at other airships. I liked to be ...

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Magical Platforming Bliss 0

I think one of the most annoying parts of the 8-bit era that is almost exclusive to this generation is the absence of the Master System's presence in the US. I guess it's not so much of a problem now because the internet has brought any release from this generation directly to you to use conveniently, but the US still fails to see the Master System's full potential because they have no reference to some of the best games for the system, seeing as the last game released for the US market was Soni...

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Perhaps Sonic's Best Game 0

Sonic's Genesis debut was nothing short of brilliance, from a marketing standpoint of course. It was the cooler version of Mario, it was faster, it was better looking, it was cool... and Nintendo was not. However, whilst the United States was enamored with the newly released Sega Genesis, over in Europe, things were a little different. The Master System had easily transcended the Nintendo Entertainment System's popularity and with that, Sega must have been looking to release a version for the Ma...

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An Early NES Classic 0

With a lot of publishers and their incoming games, it took a few years to truly develop something of substance. The early Famicom games would be mostly glorified golden-era arcade games, but after the release of Super Mario Bros. the system would seemingly be bursting to the brim with platformers and probably the earliest and most original after Mario, was Simon Belmont in his first adventure for the system, Castlevania.I think the coolest thing about Castlevania itself is just the premise. You...

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Completely Reliant on Charm 0

This game lives and dies on the character, really. It is a lot of fun, but mostly due to the mascot, the fun soundtrack and the characters you interact with. I think this game is for a young person or someone with a tendency towards children's characters, which works out well for me. Noobow is not a Game Boy classic, but I would say it is moderately underrated and if you're looking to kill a night with a fun, quirky puzzle-platformer, this is probably up your alley. Although how you found out ab...

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Super Mario Bros. On the Go 0

Sometimes a simple thing can make a purchase worth it. The NES was basically sold under the assumption that you wanted Super Mario Bros and would purchase the system to play the game, Super Mario Land wasn't quite the same assumption, but the game very much made it worth buying the game boy. It wasn't the reason you bought it, I feel like Tetris was already there for you at launch, but I feel like the reason a lot of us bought our first game boy's was because you could play Super Mario Bros. on ...

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If It Was Color It Would Be SO Colorful. 0

I think that was my immediate reaction the first time playing through this game, which wasn't all that long ago. Kirby's Dream Land is the most colorful black and white game ever. Its cute, non-threatening nature is the key to its charm and it makes it one of the best game boy games ever made, perhaps the best. With the sequel on the game boy, Kirby expanded its horizons but the original remains the better game boy package with its short run time and carefully crafted levels.Kirby as a game look...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Capcom's Best DIsney-NES Effort 0

I get that it isn't a popular opinion. Ducktales is regarded as something of a classic to NES fans, or even Chip N' Dale, but for my money, The Little Mermaid is Capcom's best effort for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Subjectively, The Little Mermaid holds the most value for me because it's short, it's easy and it's really, really fun. Not saying Ducktales or Chip N' Dale wasn't easy, but The Little Mermaid can easily be beaten within a half hour. It's just a really fun game to play, complet...

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Probably My Favorite Game of All Time 0

It's hard to pinpoint your favorite game of all time, really. Everything's a different experience and what I feel because of Majora's Mask isn't going to compare to say, the original Super Mario Bros. They are different games, they lend different experiences to the player. But... well, when I think hard about what my personal favorite game of all time is, it's hard to think of anything better than Little Nemo: The Dream Master. I've never seen graphics so lovely, something so imaginative, someth...

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The Beginning of Modern Era Video Games 0

I mean yeah sure, before that you had Atari and that was fun and you had Nintendo arcade games, but even they, with their huge cabinets and bigger space could not compare to the ultimate Nintendo Entertainment System seller and killer-app, Super Mario Bros. Europe was addicted to computer games and the Famicom in Japan was a huge seller, unlike anything seen before, but in the US the story was different. The kids continued to enjoy video games but investors and toy stores had seen video games as...

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