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  • moai_ou posted a message on the post Giant News.

    <>Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment, Jeff! All your stories, game related or otherwise, have been endlessly fascinating.I have to say, this would sting more if the Nextlander c...

  • moai_ou posted a message on the post 726: Grey Soda of Video Games.

    I've lived in the midwest my entire life. It sucks. It's boring. I admit that I do enjoy the parks, but there's only so much hiking you can do. Any time I go out of state, I think "why can't we hav...

  • moai_ou posted a message on the post Silent Hill 1 - 08.

    I'd love to see you fancy cats play through Silent Hill 2! Would Maria's "Born From A Wish" scenario from the PS2 Greatest Hits version be included?

  • moai_ou posted a message on the post Reel Layers Ep. 102 - The Apology: I messed up.

    The true humor in Reel Layers lies in the angry comments.

  • moai_ou posted a new image.
  • moai_ou posted a message on the post Nite Three at E3 2019: Dave Lang, Adam Boyes, and More!.

    "I made sure he was ok, and he wasn't"