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Mistzero: Favorites

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  • In my opinion the best story and character cast ever assembled for a Final Fantasy main line game. Sure you have to save the world but the villains aren't all malicious for the sake of being evil, they have proper motive at least as much a jrpg can have for villains. The main male protagonist isn't your emo fare character you would expect. He is a thief who's there to always cheer up his friends. Though almost all of the characters are genuinely great(maybe not Quina) the show gets stolen by Vivi the young black mage who has to deal with subjects such as existentialism and prospect of dying young.

  • This game has a really fluid combat mechanic that I really enjoyed not to mention one of the most emotionally story driven game I've ever played. The character are so well realized that you don't even notice yourself being attached to them. You actually care what happens to them and that is a rare thing in video games. This game is an early example of video games viably exploring mature themes just like works of literature and film.

  • My third favorite game at the time of it's release was really the only game doing stealth combat type of gaming. It always felt satisfying to clear a area by not being detected. Also, some of the most memorable boss fights in video game history. The story itself was something that was new to me, a game using dialogue to do it's world building. Breaking the fourth wall was also mindblowing at the time.

  • The most expansive game ever done by Bethesda. Sheer amount of stuff to do in this game should be enough to make it into my favorite list, but the world building they do is so great it feels like a living breathing place. If you are looking for escapism you've found it.

  • Protagonists involved in solving a murder case and the drama that comes with being a Japanese high school student all mixed together makes a great game. That's what Persona 4 is; a game where you get all the weird Japanese pop culture stuff and teenagers who are trying to learn about who they are all while they fight demons after school and solve murder cases. If that sounds good to you, then I can't recommend this game enough.

  • Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions is a fantastic remake of the original for the Psone that improves the game with new characters and classes. After the initial 3-4 hour hump this game really open up. The story is pretty good and more political than your standard sjrpg fare. As you progress through the game you unlock more classes to use during fights. It's a ton of fun to experiment with different class combinations for your party members and see how it affects combat. You definitely need to play this game if you are a sjrpg fan.

  • I've played hundreds of hours playing this game, so much so that the game clock itself was maxed out. The game has you collecting monsters while leveling them up and fighting increasingly difficult boss battles to get to the Pokemon League. There you have to fight the main 4 bosses and a secret boss that is your rival in the game. Maybe it's the nostalgia speaking, but the feeling you get after beating your rival for the last time in the Pokemon league is one of the most satisfying moments I've felt ever play video games.

  • A game that was underrated for either it's low quality graphics or trite story. The gameplay mechanic is where the game shines. In combat you have to time your attacks to prompts which get more difficult to time as the damage you deal increases. If you do decide to give this game a try you'll see why it has a cult following.(if only they didn't cancel Lod2) :(

  • Only reason I list this here is because the sheer amount of time I've played this game. Right now i've clocked in about 104 hours. This game is just so addicting that you will not notice the time slip away. You play as a ruler of civilization and your responsiblity is to guide your nation to be the number one in the world by competing against other nations that are trying to do the same. One warning I have is this game will bring out the inner dictator within you.

  • The most tight Mega Man x series game I've played. The combat and the platforming all feel just right. The levels all feel unique and play differently than each other. The boss fights especially the end ones are just great and feels really challenging. There is a good sense of accomplishment when you finish beating this game.