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I am beyond excited for this game

We don't have much time before New Vegas comes out and while skimming the digital version of the EGMi  Fallout New Vegas Issue, I came upon their preview article of the game. It was set up so when you turned the page the trailer music would play as you read and when that happened I was immediately taken back to what I loved about Fallout 3. 

Fallout is what games need. Its pure escapism. Its not an action movie or some heart wrenching emotional tale. Its a game about a fantastic world. A world that you want to explore in spite of its often terrifying atmosphere. When I played Fallout 3 I wasn't just some dude working a set of buttons. I was the Lone wanderer, I wanted to find my dad and I wanted to see everything there was to see. When I enter the real life DC Subway and get a small chill down my spine, as if I've been there before, and realize im simply being reminded of the haunted halls of the wasteland metro. I know that i've played a game unlike any other.
Every character driven or RPG game ever made tries to give you that feeling of being the hero. But few come even close to creating that feeling. Its a sense of immersion i have never been able to get out of games like Final Fantasy, or Zelda, Its the reason I will never come close to beating Super Mario Galaxy. because in all the hours those games demand, I never feel like im part of the adventure. But why don't I feel a part of that? Its hard to say why some games are so lost on me. Maybe Im just picky about games but some games that everyone says I should love have zero pull on me.
Games like KOTOR,  Minecraft or Call of Duty I can play for hours upon hours. But other games never draw me in. I can play MW2's singleplayer 3-4 times over. But getting through Bad Company 2's even once will make me want to claw out my eyes. I enjoyed Fallout 3 so much because something about it caught me.
 The music, the silence of crossing a burned out field, the curiosity of seeing gun shots in the distance, prowling my way through an Ant infested subway with nothing but 4 bullets and a baseball bat.  Each moment made me more engaged. Why I may never know, some part of my brain is stimulated more by the crushed cars of Fallout 3 than the abandoned castles of Zelda. All I know is that when Fallout New vegas comes out, I will play it, and I will love it.
And if I don't....... well....... sometimes its just better to hope for the best.