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Average score of 2 user reviews

A consistently good game? Get outta here 0

I guess I should follow up a satirical review with an actual review for game I actually played.  What I liked:        The game is basically a summer blockbuster, with you in the reigns. I absolutely love summer blockbusters (for the most part), so this game affected me in a way. The game does this in three ways: Gameplay, Graphics and Cutscenes. The game plays like most of the good action games that have recently came out, so it's no surprise that it controls, and feels like a dream. Aside from ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

My critique of greenlazer's review 7

      This review is totally BAD !!!* Kidding aside, here is my review of greenlazer's review of Tony Hawk: RIDE.** First off, the easiest part of his review to criticize is the lack of structure. Sure, many people on the internet write articles, blogs and reviews without giving it the basic structure it deserves, but that does not make it right. Everyone has, or has had - trouble with grammar. But to make one, giant paragraph is just unacceptable.        Anyone can be a "Grammar Nazi," so I sha...

7 out of 12 found this review helpful.