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What it must feel like to be ourselves in a game Part 1

So I was thinking about what it must feel like to be a 16-30(something) year old if we were really thrust into a video game. Specifically what must the experience be like being who we as people actually are thrust into these non-speaking pseuedo-macho roles. Here's what I have (part 1):

The Chronicles of Jimbo, Introduction

Jimmy was just walking along the street when, boom. Motherfucker, a rock fell from the sky. A rock, Jim thought, well shit I could pick that up. So Jimmy bent over and picked up that rock. The rock was smooth, round, and weighed about four pounds. Which is crazy to think that the rock that just fell from the sky landed in front of Jim and not on Jim, making a Jim pancake.

Well, fuck it, Jim thought and threw that rock into an oncoming car. Lucky for Jim the car was being piloted by a massive robot on his way to kill the president. Jim really didn’t know, and was beginning to freak out, seeing as how he just killed a man, when a crowd of press and onlookers converged upon him. Yay the savior, they yelled. You saved us all, they yelled. Have my baby, the yelled.

Jim raises his hands to speak but before he does the Fucking president rolls up in a giant limousine and holds a press conference, giving Jim the Medal of Honor for his good deeds. Jim begins to speak, to ask the President what he did to garner this great honor, but before he can speak a secret service agent walks up, unholsters his pistol, hands it to Jim and gives him a set of keys with a black horse and the word “Ferrari” stitched into them.

Son, as the new protector of our great nation you may have my weapon and this car. I know it isn’t much, but we’ll be able to get you more as you go along.

Get you more, Jim thought, what the fuck are these guys talking about. Before he knew it Jim was whisked away into his car and before he knew it he was turning the car on and heading to the pre-programmed GPS coordinates in the car’s navigation system.