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divinity II and what's going on

Well, so we are already knee-deep into the season, and what have I been up to? 
I was on holiday :) 
Spent the last 3 weeks in south africa, which is a pretty awesome place to be. But I guess none of you is interessted in my travel-stories... 
Before I left I bought "Brutal Legend" and gave it to a friend. As well as the cash to buy me "Dragon Age". 
when I came back, he gave me "Brutal Legends" and sayed "You'd have to wait for Dragon Age till I am finished.." Fair enough. 
As exchange he gave me "Divinity II - Ego Draconis" ... I guess, the game hasnt' been published in the US yet, as it was developed by a european studio.  
I just wanted to 'test' the game, so I could return it to him quickly and then focus on some heavy-metal-head banging-action with Jack Black ... but now I am about 8 gameplay hours in and quite like the game. It's a lighter version of Oblivion to me .. plus you can transform into a dragon (which i haven't done yet, I am still early in the game). 
Anyway, it's only a filler to me, as I preordered the white edition of "Assassins Creed 2" which I expect to get by weeks end. 
So, I should be quite busy. AC2 comming up, currently playing Divinity 2. Brutal Legend & Dragon Age already bought. Left 4 Dead 2 is released the following week. A friend of mine finally finished Fallout 3, which he will borrow me now... 
 Oh, and I still think about buying "Panzer General" (XBLA) ... that's my kind of game. 
DS-wise I finisehd "Professor Layton and Pandoras Box" during my holiday. Awesome game. 
Scribbelnauts kinda lost me ... 
And I am still waiting for that Heroes of might and magic-game, with the puzzle-quest-style gameplay... 
I don't see how I can fit all this into the last weeks of this year. And the next year is already filling up with games for me ... Mass Effect 2 has already been preordered :D