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Disgea DS

Since buying Disgea DS I only managed to pour in a couple hours of gameplay, but have to say I really like what I have seen so far.
The story is quite funny and told in a quirky way. I especially like the way Flonna, the angel trainee, interacts with her surroundings in the demon-world.
The game can be pretty tough if you don't keep your eyes open and care where you step. Entering the item-world can be a deathwish if not prepared ;) With the Geo-effects, pupils, combos and chaineffects all mixed together I think I never played a strategy game where the placing of your units was this critical. Chess is a game for pre-schoolers in comparison ;) (at least if you want to make the most of it, I guess you can still win battles and have lots of fun, if you don't pay that much attention to details).

I still have to figure out how to bribe senators to get them to vote my way ... even if they say, they would vote my way, they stay nay-sayers most of the time. Those bastards ;)

The graphics are underwhelming, but I don't mind.

Somewhere I read that the games charme will only reveal itself, if you spend lots of time with it and play it over and over again. At first I couldn't see my self walking that road, but at the moment I just can't get enough...

Yeah, I guess I am pretty happy with that purchase ...