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Average score of 29 user reviews

Slow Paced Done Right 0

I was surprised to see Rockstar doing LA Noire. While it is their style to do gritty openworld games, I never thought it would turn out quite like this. I'll admit, I had sever doubts when I picked it up for the PS3, but it's one of those game I found hard to put down, for the first 20 hours or so.  Gameplay: If there's one thing I loved about LA Noire, it was the methodical, steady drive of gameplay, the first three deparments you're allowed to visit were amazing, it wasnt until the fourth that...

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Zombies, man, F**ckn Zombies 0

Left 4 Dead 2 was cheap one weekend, so i bought it for like 30bucks, and was plesantly surprised and disappointed all the same. To be honest it feels like L4D 1.5 or something, not a full on sequel, but I can't complain, its a solid zombie blasting, FPS, and I've put my fair share of time into it.  Graphics: Usually the first thing I rip on in a game, but I love valve's engine and the style works for L4D2 perfectly in every way. Never once did I feel the need to crank it up or turn it down beca...

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Good Solid Shooting 0

Ok, so this review's really late (I forgot I hadn't written one for BFBC2 already so here it is). Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a first person shooter set somewhere in the near future where Russia invades the US. Or something stupid like that but that's not the point. The singleplayer side of BC2 isn't even worth a second glance, while the multiplayer is simply stunning. Dice outdid every other developer over the last ten years with their MP experiance. For a shooter this game knows how to play. ...

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One Hell of an RPG 0

Keep in mind this is all personal opinion. The Witcher 2 is a story driven RPG, that was released for PC and sadly is going to be released for Xbox some time whenever. I bought the game day one on steam and wasn't able to stop playing, the graphics are some of if not the best I've seen this year, and the story is not only captivating, but done right. There's alot of RPGs that try to factor in a good story, but then just do something terrible, IE: Dragon Age.  The original Witcher was an immersiv...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

What were they thinking?!!! 0

Homefront was released on March 15th and ever since playing it I have been begging the question: Where the fuck did good shooters go?Apart from an abysmally bland campaign consisting of a depressingly ugly array of characters and weapons, the multiplayer failed harder than any other game I've seen. It seems like games these days are simply concerned about who can blow up enough shit to get the player's attention, and that is YOUR fault, you demented, slow, retarded, adolescent, morons who keep t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Crysis 2 and why game devs should die 2

Ok, so way back a few years ago, Crysis was released on the PC and people were like HOLY SHIT THIS GAME LOOKS AWESOME. Well the crazy good graphics made people overlook some of the core gameplay flaws, but it was a game that worked and that attempted to say: pc gaming isn't dead. Well it's 2011 and EA and Crytek have decided: fuck pc gaming, lets generalize Crysis 2 to the consoletards. Really I don't hate my 360 or my PS3, but I have an undying love for my pc because 1: better controls, 2: bett...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Zombies, Guns, and LOADS OF AMMO 0

Killing Floor is a co-op wave based zombie FPS for PC (No one gives a shit about MAC). It was released in 2009 after the mod team was hired by Tripwire and is surprisingly underrated. Well first off it's got zombies or more accurately mutants, if you go through the different variations of them, and guns and that's all it takes usually to make a game sell. Well this is a change from the seemingly endless streams of zombie games being released recently. While it is somewhat reminiscent of Left 4 D...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Waste of a Good Idea 0

Mafia 2 was released recently and I had been debating buying or renting it, for about a month, well thank fucking god I decided to rent it. There was so much potential they wasted in creating this. And since most of the gaming community cant sit still unless there's at least 12 bombs exploding and 50some dead guys scattered around let me put this in terms you get: Mafia 2 is: A Big Fucking Waste of Time.  While masquerading under the 'open world' or 'like gta, but' theme this game falls even sho...

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Cool Explosions, Man 0

So, Killzone 3, a sci-fi shooter set in... well I'll be honest I didn't play Killzone 1, and Killzone 2 infuriated me to no end so I don't know much of the back-story coming into this. Killzone 3's story was surprising in a few ways, other than starting off not feeling like I had to play the other two to get a feel for what was going on. I did have a few complaints however, but good things first. The Good: The main characters are easy to get behind and root for, which is more than most shooters ...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Why Wont This Series Die?? 0

So this is call of duty 5 I think, or it might be CoD 7 for all I know. Well what I do know is that this game is NOT good. Strap in for another rant.  So the broken Call Of Duty series returns for another round of shit, calling themselves World at War this time. Well back to boring old world war 2, its like they've ruined the one good idea Cod had which was modernizing things. Well there are a bunch of cunts out there who think this game is good, but while they're busy wacking it to saving priva...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Heading Straight for the Garbage Bin 0

Wait, this reminds me all to much of Battlefield (Which I LIKED). I played the shit out of the old PS1 and PC Medal of Honor games as a kid and I was excited to see the series was getting a reboot, until I played it.  Medal of Honor has some serious problems, so lets start with the story: Story: Possibly one of the moronic stories in videogame history, competeing with Modern Warfare 2 that is. Now tell me, why the fuck does everyone have massive beards and shoot first ask questions when they fuc...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Not Game of the Year, Not Even Close 2

This game reminded me of Assassin's Creed 1 all to much. I'm very glad I only gave it a rental, because it has the same flaws that have driven me to dislike this series. So where to start, well I'm always a big critic of the story lines in videogames, so lets go there. Story/Characters: Surprisingly I didn't hate the story in Brotherhood as much as previous games, while it was dry and rather boring, it was still imaginative at times and kept me entertained up until the end where I decided I was ...

0 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Another Epic Fail 0

So I wasn't the biggest fan of Dead Rising 1, it was a severely flawed game with an abysmal story and frustrating AI, but it was fun, new, and a great time waster. Well I thought DR2 would be a vast improvement on the game, fixing the terrible AI, adding more things to smash into gore filled bits, and getting rid of those goddamn fetch quests that remind me of WoW (Which i dont like for the record, well not after it ate half my life away). So DR2 comes out and I go rent it and pop it in. First o...

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No, just no more terrible open-world games 0

Saints Row 2 is much like Saints Row 1 in the way that its not that good. Its an ugly, bland experience that tries to blend Grand Theft Auto with god knows what. I was a fan of GTA3 and dont think I hate it because its open world, it just does openworld bad. Yes, it has nice colors, yes you can run around ramming cars into shit all day, but the actual missions are terrible and broken and the combat is borderline unplayable. The driving feels like you have half a dozen sandbags in your trunk and ...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The Game We've All Been Waiting For 2

So I never really got into Star Craft, I played through the campaign, but by now I've all but forgotten it. That didn't matter coming into Star Craft 2. It's one of those games that needs literally no introduction, just jumps into a fun, thrill ride of a campaign, taking you across the galaxy as you battle the zerg, protoss, and other marines. Its a decently long campaign and actually holds a good story for an RTS. But im not here to tell you about the campaign, the Multiplayer, ladies and gentl...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Broken but pretty 0

Fable 3. I really dont know where to start from the poor hack n slash mechanics, to a boring story and poorly voiced characters Fable 3 dissapoints on all fronts, but that doesnt mean its not better than most of the shit that came out this year, namely any thing with call and or duty stamped on it. Theres always been a special place in my heart for the Fable series, I loved and still love the first game and the second was pretty good too, but its been ages since Fable One came out and I expected...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Hack and Slash and More of the Same 0

So, GoW3. Yeah, not much to say. It's a hack and slasher with Epic (and infested with quicktime events) boss fights. I dont really enjoy hack and slash games, but there was so much hype with God of War 3, so I went and rented it. Well it was incredibly good looking and had a scale I have never seen in games, all running beautifully on the PS3. Thats the good. Here's the bad: Hacky Slashy, boring boring boring. And there's Quicktime events, what the fuck is with quicktime events (granted they mak...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You may not like it. I love it. 0

Stylized awesomeness. One of my personal favorites, Mirror's Edge is a free running game played in the FPS perspective. One thing that will catch your eye is the art style. It's mesmerizing to say the least. While the story and combat fall short almost instantly the running aspect is nearly perfect. There are still alot of flaws in this game, but for me they were so easy to overlook I barely noticed them. From leaping across buildings to wall-running scaffolding this game is entertaining and wor...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

I Sold My Soul To This Game 0

RPG perfection? No, but so close it's hard to judge. A game I sank over 300 hours of my life into, and then some when I began modding it. When it was first released Oblivion was beautiful even with its low frame rate and sometimes absent textures, the world of Cyrodill was an impressive place. The combat wasn't perfect, but it was good and the story was one of the better ones in a game like this. It was the seemingly endless world to explore that drew me in. There are so many  places to find, an...

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A Good Game, but forgettable. 0

If you're a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games you'll enjoy Metro 2033, while not as openworld as stalker, the game is heavily atmospheric and has some good visuals too. It may look nice and draw you in, but its far from a solid shooter(which doesnt bother me). Its a fun thrill ride through the deserted, dysmal world of a post-apocalyptic style Russia. Metro 2033 is a coridoor shooter at heart lacking in wide open encounters, and falling short of good controls which are unresponsive and feel weighte...

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Buggy... but Excellent 0

Stalker is full of bugs, and the gameplay is far from perfect. Now alot of gamers would find that reason enough to discredit the game entirely, but once you start playing, it sucks you in. The game world known as the 'Zone' is an unforgiving and quite ugly place, ugly yet beautiful. The lighting and shadows are the best I've seen in a game to this date. When I first played Stalker, I was a little disapointed by the steep difficulty and annoying glitches, but I have a soft spot for games like thi...

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Much of the Same, but thats not a bad thing 0

 Halo: Reach is much of the same. A rock solid shooter with few flaws and a suprisingly memorable story.  I've always had a love of the Halo franchise, since me and my best friend would sit in his room when we were kids running through Halo: CE on and old color TV. Man, that makes me feel old. I've played every Halo game and they're not perfect, and Halo Reach is not perfect, but it comes pretty close. The graphics are a nice change from the sludge our consoles constantly vomit onto our monito...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Taking Out the Trash: Black Ops Edition 3

I'm going to rant, so here it goes:  I was a fan of Call of Duty up to Modern Warfare 2... then my love for the series died. That game murdered my love for Call of Duty, it murdered it, shit on it and handed its head to me on a silver platter and said: fuck you. I played black ops hoping the series had taken a posite turn from the Action Hero bullshit MW2 had induced on the series. It hadnt. This game is just as over the top just as frankly: fucking rediculous. I dont care that its not plausable...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Enough With the Creepy Little Girls 0

So Fear 2: Project Origin. Underwhelming about sums it up. Very very VERY underwhelming. I have never seen such bad level design and poor scares from a game... well yes i have, but after the first game I expected so so much more. i was thrilled for this release till i played it and found it was nothing short of unspectacular. I love horror games. I loved Fear one despite its shortcomings and abysmal level design, but this game failed to deliver on all fronts and I hate to have to give it a bad r...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Almost a good idea... 0

I got singularity two because it looked like a fun little shooter and I had the extra money... well I'm 50$ lighter and not so happy about it. It had some good mechanics... had they been used right it would have been a fun game. Now I say this alot, but it reminds me too much of modern warfare. The gunplay is poor, very poor and the AI acts like its been smashing its head away against a wall since the game loaded up, the sounds are weak and the enemy variety is weaker, puzzles are easy or nonexi...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Exciting at first, Terrible in the End 0

I was very, very excited for this game when it was released, I even stood in a line, waited for three hours, got it, went home, played it for a month... then sold it. If you ask me it was interesting to begin with, a fun...ish multiplayer, but the single player was a failure, just an over the top action movie with the 'realistic' tag slapped on. My complaint isnt the realism issue, i could care less about how realistic a game is, I play Halo. But heres the thing: a good game is balanced.  Modern...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Worth buying a PS3 for 0

I dont know how to even go about reviewing this game, I'm simply blown away in every aspect. I am a huge fan on the MGS series and MGS4 was just incredible. Possibly the greatest videogame story ever written (spanning all 4 games) while confusing it all comes together and the mix of drama, action and comedy flow perfectly within the game. I've never experianced emotion when playing most games, and MGS4 makes you actually care about the characters, and I found myself almost yelling at the screen ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Not Perfect, but Excellent all the same 0

Alan Wake. (The Stephen King of Videogames)  I wasnt following this game all that much when it was first released and it slipped past me, no thanks to to job I was working, but when I actually sat down and played it after a friend loaned it to me, I was incredibly suprised. I'm a sucker for a good story, and a huge fan of Stephen King to boot, so this story was hauntingly familiar in its telling and the gameplay kept it moving fluidly, never missing a beat. Some parts within the chapters are a l...

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Dead Space 2, and why it is amazing 0

So back when the original was released it wasnt all that hyped, which was good I had low expectations and was consequently blown away, it was chilling and a refreshing addon to the horror genre. I was really excited when Dead Space 2 was announced, being a huge fan of the first, but the problem for me is that (being a fan of the Resident Evil series) these games feel like them (RE). I dont know if its just me or not, but I think the base shooter mechanics are roughly the same save for the abilit...

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