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Where are all the large scale online games gone?

 Recently I've really been wanting to play a big online PC shooter again, problem is...there aren't any around anymore. I'm talking 32-64 player, vehicles, huge maps, tanks and jets and bombs going everywhere. There hasn't been a new Battlefield(a proper one) in coming on 4 years now and that wasn't really a massive upgrade from 2 either.

What else is there? TF2 is fun but its not the same as BF, no vehicles and smaller maps. CoD is the same and was severely cut down in size in MW2. There's MAG which is PS3 exclusive(and looks kinda bleh), there's Bad Company 2 which is big battles I guess but still not BF2 size and...that's it. Where the hell is Battlefield 3? Why aren't other games jumping on this severely lacking genre? 

Surely I'm not the online one wanting it? I'm thinking of actually going back to BF2, it's 5 years old and the best option until March next year, pathetic. And after March? God knows.