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E32011 Wishlist

Coming out of E3 2011, here are the games that I am looking forward to (in somewhat of an order): 

List items

  • Blown away by the visuals, sound, and immersion. Excited to have a new FPS that will hopefully do something different and if not, just blow me away with the technology.

  • Coming off of my GOTY 2010 I have to finish off the trilogy. Really stoked to see the combat becoming even tighter and I know that I'm getting the best space opera the world has to offer. Hell, even the Kinect integration seems pretty solid.

  • They brought out Ice-T and Body Count is making a damn song. A perfect balance between a great campaign and a multiplayer experience, Gears 3 is going to be biggerer, badderer, and the most bad assiest.

  • Not exactly showcased at E3 but man I am friggin' jacked to get back into Arkham and play as the Dark Knight. Not too sure about the Catwoman stuff but I think that going above and beyond what Arkham Asylum did is a feat in itself.

  • Everything coming out of this game is oozing with class, style, and grace. Lavigne and his team at Irrational are really taking their time I commend them for it. The trailers are the tip of the iceberg and this game is going to turn some heads.

  • Old man Ezio does it again with a great finale to his storyline. Not too sure how many more blades they are going to give him but I cannot wait to start stabbing some people in the face. Seeing Desmond in the Animus is also very intriguing and AssCreed is so polished these days that it cannot go unnoticed.

  • Just in case I have a spare 300 hours I would like to have this around. But honestly, the game looks amazing and the Elder Scrolls series is something that has been with me since Daggerfall (they have come a long way).

  • The Call of Duty series never disappoints. The trailer and gameplay they are showing put a Micheal Bay movie to shame. Although the series is getting a bit stale, I can always guarantee that I will sink a bunch of time into this game.

  • I don't play EVE Online, but I do like the idea of the two games connecting and affecting each other. Join my band of mercenaries who will do anything for the highest bidder.

  • Moaning jokes aside, this demo was one of the most spectacular things I have seen. From the visuals of the fire and water effects all the way to the lighting and sound I was blown away. The idea of them claiming an 'open world' sounds cool, but I'm not sure what it will entail. Call it Tombcharted if you want this reboot is looking sweet.

  • Nice to see that the other brother is getting some love as well. Great IP to pull from and curious about the 3D. Plus, MULTIPLE MANSIONS!

  • I'm glad I waited for the sequel, as it seems like this is what the first game should have been. You can transfer all the songs over from the original so that is a huge plus. Can't wait to get rid of the old DDR pads and make a fool of myself in front of the TV once again.

  • We didn't see anything from the press conference, but this was announced at E3 and I think it is one of the few games that will benefit from the 3D capability of the 3DS. Cute and charming, the Paper Mario series is always pleasing.

  • Car porn, need more of it.

  • It looks crazy and over the top. I am looking to grab this on the consoles rather than the PSVita just for the controls sake (can't do fighting games with a nub). Having these two monumental franchises go head to head in the Street Fighter engine has me all jacked up do throw some fireballs.