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4.5 stars

Average score of 4 user reviews

It's Ugly But You'll Want to See It All 2

The Binding of Isaac has at least three hooks: its unique gameplay, its procedural generation which encourages repeated playthroughs, and its very distinctive aesthetic with a sinister sense of humour. Altogether it makes an astonishing package, which everybody should give a go for the laughably low price that is being asked. It's not perfect, but it has serious staying power, and provides a memorable experience, making this small downloadable best-in-class. You take control of Isaac, a small bo...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

A great experience, and oh yes, there are puzzles 6

To put it briefly, Puzzle Agent 2 is a collection of puzzles which are wrapped in a striking, memorable package: the hand-drawn sprites that make up the graphics are uniformly gorgeous in their sketchy, sparse style; the writing is an effective mix of understated creepiness and dry humour with little injections of the purely bizarre played for great effect; and the voice-acting of the characters is fantastic. There are more puzzles than in the first game, and they are more challenging, which is ...

14 out of 17 found this review helpful.

Forget Minecraft, think rogue-like and buy Terraria 0

Terraria is a colourful and approachable sandbox game on a 2D plane, where you control a character as they explore the world, collect loot, and mine in search of new material to turn into loot, and more challenges to hit over the head with shiny new hand-made stuff. Almost all of the action happens underground, and you discover different and distinctive environments the further you go, each with different dangers and rewards. Nearly every mention of Terraria (including this one) compares it to M...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Puzzles given a memorable presentation 0

Telltale Games have put a rather interesting spin on how to present something which is, ultimately, nothing more than a collection of unrelated puzzles. The actual gameplay consists in some railroaded movement across an environment and a series of entirely straightforward brain-teasers of a rather gentle standard. For the bits where the user has some input, this is very standard casual gaming fare. But Telltale seem to have gone out to separate their product from the pack, and they have managed ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.