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4.7 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

A Promise Fulfilled 0

Many developers make wild and fantastic claims whilst promoting their product. As gamers we are nulled by the onslaught of positive declarations knowing that the developer merely wants our hard earned cash. Here is where Planetside 2 begins to stand apart. PS-2 doesn’t need your money up front. Toting the new Free to Play business model Planetside is hoping to hook you with its refreshing premise and let its own merits speak for themselves.The sight of the skies above you filled with deadly airc...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Why you should fall in love, with an MMO 0

I ask only that you do not judge this review by the meaningless star-rating that precedes it, but rather the content of this review. Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR) has finally been released, after more than a half decade in development and nearly 200 million dollar budget. Many are hoping (or arguably have been tricked) that this game will be a revolutionary hallmark of the MMO genre that will break new ground. This game achieves none of its promised glory, but is still an enjoyable crafted ...

7 out of 12 found this review helpful.

Diamond in a Shitstorm 1

Battlefield 3 is arguably the best online FPS of this generation.If you can read past that first sentence, and swallow it then this isn't the review your looking for *Waves hand slowly*, because as great as it is, BF3 has been launched with a whole battalion of accompanying problems. Yet it remains a great game at its core. The rating you will give this game depends largely upon how much internet drama shit your willing to wade through to get at BF3's diamond center.I sure hope that tank is on m...

22 out of 25 found this review helpful.