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Working on a lil somthing something. For the bombcast thing.

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Bombcast Breakdown!! - 9.9.2008 - #35

Because two exclamation marks means you're super serial about it!

I have this weird goal of going through each show and taking copious notes, as this whole college thing has taught me. You can find all of the previous entries in this series via my blog, the Bombcast forum, or simply by searching up top. Whenever there is pertinent discussion on a given topic/game/person, I'll do my best to link that individual Breakdown to that particular page.

This is a fluid list. Beta as its popular to be known as. Things are going to be dynamic, pertaining to formatting and such, until I get a feel for how things are going to turn out. Categories may be added, renamed, or simply taken away on 'cast to 'cast basis. Let me know if you see something wrong! This is as much mine as it is yours!


  • Voices - obvious enough, who's in the podcast
  • Reviewed - initially going to be reserved for the taste testing they did early on in the series, will see how things turn out later when they start phasing it out
  • Movies mentioned - despite being a videogame-centric podcast, these guys have some serious debates on movies and people/ideas pertaining to them
  • Games mentioned - games/game series mentioned on the 'cast. Listed if the game has some type of discussion or context behind it, not simply if name dropped
  • Companies Mentioned - these guys spit knowledge about companies like nobodies business. best to catalog it all to be held against them
  • Names dropped - much like the games mentioned, people mentioned if it pertains to the 'cast
  • Out of context quotes - the tiny crazy bits we all love our boys saying. taken directly out of context makes it even more hilarious
  • Timestamps-the parts of the 'cast that are fairly easy to distinguish with Ryans segway ability. Oft times these will seamless lead into a bigger discussion on the topic
  • Definitive quotes - the bits where they're all business, and give their honest opinion/prediction on a topic. If you were to jump to a time in the 'cast, these would be it
  • General notes - ideas I've garnered from the crew during the 'cast
  • ******* - multiple astricks denote a few minutes of the 'cast you'd do well listening to, if for nothing else than the hilarity/gravitas of it all
  • 1+ - denotes where they talk about a certain topic for more than a minute, instead of simply dropping the name in there for no discussion.

Giant Bombcast ep.26 -- 9.9.2008



  • Giant Bomb Basement

Names Dropped

Companies Mentioned

Games Mentioned

Out of Context Quotes

  • Can you still have birthdays if you're dead? - vinny (.50)
  • The dreamcast lives on in a cardboard box in my closet - brad (1.09)
  • I still have like 5 sealed copies of Shenmue...they're worthless - jeff (2.45)
  • You're a flute player in this game - jeff (12.10)
  • Hold on, I'm back in. There's moon slavery? - ryan (12.30)
  • That game is janky. Rated J for Janky - jeff (45.38)
  • Here's to hoping bears continue to see much cross-promotional success in the world of video games - ryan (56.07)
  • I have to say that introducing weird alien insect monsters into the gameplay would definatly make football more interesting to me - ryan (1.13.07)
  • They call me the dirty purple - jeff (1.42.24)
  • I am all about getting on your high horse and being a dick about stuff that gets you mad, but this is too far - jeff (1.56.49)

Definitive Quotes

  • She touched my leg, I wore shorts on national television, and a FUBU jersey, marking the moment when people stopped searing FUBU - jeff (5.55)
  • Everyone that wanted Shenmue, has it - jeff (3.04)
  • Beyond the combat, this is the thing that bums me out about japanese RPGs so consistantly, is just how damn predicatble the whole story arcs are - ryan (13.16)
  • It's been a very long time since there has been any legitimate competition, both in actual wrestling and in wrestling video games, and its kinda interesting to see a different take on wrestling than what THQ has been doing for however long they've been putting SMackdown out - jeff (15.57)
  • I've been watching alot of wrestling lately because TV sucks so I might as well own up to that and watch the worst TV I can - jeff (17.40)
  • Ok, so here's a homework assignment for the folks at home - someone who really likes Dynasty Warriors write in and explain why - jeff (58.55)
  • I just want truth in advertising. I think its great they're doing it becaseu they'll let people play a game for free for a chunk of time and enjoy it, but just call it a demo, an exlcusive demo, or a limited time demo or something liek that. Don't front and say 'we need to tune all this stuff' because at this point, people should know how to design first person shooters. At this point, they know how the perks work in CoD 4, shouldn't the designers already know how the flamethrowers are going to change the game? shouldn't they already be able to figure that out on their own? - jeff (1.02.10)
  • thats why xbox live arcade games come out in the dead of night, because they count on most people being asleep so if somethings broken, they can fix it - jeff (1.37.20)
  • Just like most anti-piracy measures, you're primarily punishing the people who paid for the game you know? people who want to pirate are going to find a way to do it. - brad (1.49.14)


  • Dreamcast memorandum (.30-6.20)
  • What Have You Been Playing (6.20-51.20)
  • Digital Download platforms (38.00-)
  • News of the World (51.20-1.38.55)
  1. 360 Price Cut (51.30)
  2. Lets talk about Bears (54.00)
  3. Drama between Square Enix and Tecmo (56.36)
  4. World at War beta (1.00.10)
  5. Rock Band 2 coming in days (1.05.20)
  6. Old DLC pricecut! (1.09.10)
  7. Spore is to be a platform... (1.10.55)
  8. Sheet Music (1.16.15)
  9. Rare has a new Banjo game (1.12.11)
  10. Guitar Hero Apocalypse coming soon (1.24.00)
  11. BREAK MUSIC (1.27.47)
  12. New Xbox Expieriance (1.28.40)
  • Emails(1.39.00-2.01.53)
  1. stance on reviewing games after a patch (1.39.07)
  2. The Fatal Pinata drink mix (1.41.30)
  3. should we worry about games being pushed up in release (1.43.02)
  4. controls for Bioshock (1.45.38)
  5. Spore DRM issues/SecuRom (1.47.14) *************
  • New Site Features (2.01.57)
  1. Guides, new homepage, new videopage, white site

General Notes

  • Nine year anniversary of the Dreamcast