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@matoya said:
@liquiddragon said:

@matoya: You're telling me the saddest things. GB ruined Hitman and MGSV?...

Am I to assume you played Journey, seeing that you have Abzu? Just started Gravity Rush 2 so I wouldn't be comfortable wholly recommending it. I really really like The Last Guardian but I guess I can't completely dismiss the issues ppl had with it. In the same vein, The Evil Within, I quite enjoyed but ppl have problems with it. Woftenstein: The New Order? If you played Doom, maybe worth checking out? I thought everything along the edges of the shooting was terrific but Doom shooting blows it out of the water.

There are other games like The Witness and Ratchet and Clank that's well regarded I haven't touched.

Oh, Hyper Light Drifter! Excellent!

I've been considering Ratchet and Clank, but I've never played one before. I know i won't have a problem jumping in, but is it a good game for a first timer into the franchise?

It`s a remake of sorts of the first game in the series and the movie they made, so story wise you`re fine. The downside being that it`s one of the weakest entries in the series in when it comes to story and characters. Otherwise it looks amazing and plays great. It`s not the best entry in the series, but it`s still really good and should be a good starting point.

Otherwise Bloodborne is amazing if you like those games.

Until Dawn is really great. I am not a horror movie guy and still loved. If you have any kind of affinity for either Telltale games or David Cage style games you should check it out.

All the Kingdom Hearts collections are on PS4 now too.

The KH games had be at a "huh, maybe", but I'm a little hesitant to get into them. I think KH3 looks like an absolute masterpiece, and I really want to play it.

But I don't...know how to play the KH games on the PS4. There's so many releases, that it's hard to know what to play. I wanna just be READY for KH3, but I don't know if I'd need to play all the DS games and shit too. Conflicting viewepoints!

Injustice 2, nioh, bloodborne, let it die(f2p worth a shot), Diablo 3, and mgsv.

I can't really get into fighting games, and I've mentioned why i don't think I'd like Bloodborne. I'll admit that Nioh looks pretty good though. Is it more than just a DS clone?

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Nioh and Bloodborne, as others have mentioned. I'd also put Wolfenstein TNO on that list. If you're looking for smaller games, I thought Child of Light was a cool little experiment if you're into RPGs.

Deus Ex could be worth checking out, depending on your history with the series. I think it would be totally serviceable if you are new to those games, but it is disappointing in the context of Human Revolution.

The Witness is also hit or miss. I personally didn't get much out of it, but I can also totally see why people love that game.

I'm not sure if I could play another "soulslike" game really. I imported Demon's Souls as soon as it came out, and played it like 3 times. Then I got Dark Souls and platinumed it, playing through it like 5 times in total. I then played Dark Souls 2 at least twice to completion.

I just don't think I've got it in me to play another Souls game. Nioh looks BETTER, but from the GB QL it just looks like more of the same. Maybe I'm wrong?

I fucking LOVED Human Revolution. One of my favourite games on the PS3. I just remeber Jeff saying how dissapointing it was, and how it wasn't as good as HR

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@matoya: You're telling me the saddest things. GB ruined Hitman and MGSV?...

Am I to assume you played Journey, seeing that you have Abzu? Just started Gravity Rush 2 so I wouldn't be comfortable wholly recommending it. I really really like The Last Guardian but I guess I can't completely dismiss the issues ppl had with it. In the same vein, The Evil Within, I quite enjoyed but ppl have problems with it. Woftenstein: The New Order? If you played Doom, maybe worth checking out? I thought everything along the edges of the shooting was terrific but Doom shooting blows it out of the water.

There are other games like The Witness and Ratchet and Clank that's well regarded I haven't touched.

Oh, Hyper Light Drifter! Excellent!

I've been considering Ratchet and Clank, but I've never played one before. I know i won't have a problem jumping in, but is it a good game for a first timer into the franchise?

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#4  Edited By matoya


Giant Bomb ruined Hitman for me. I don't mean that in a diminuitve way, because the Hitman content is the best content this website has ever put out. But I saw SO MUCH Hitman on this website, every kill, every level from so many different angles that I just couldn't play it. It's the reason I didn't play MGS5 either- After watching Metal Gear Scanlon, I couldn't bring myself to "do it again", because I've already seen it all

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Hey gang,

I've recently had quite a bit of time off work (I work in a school and get 6 weeks paid holiday) so I've pretty much caught up with my backlog. Now, I'm wondering if I've missed anything unmissable so far? Here's my current PS4 lineup:

No Caption Provided

Not pictured are DOOM and The Witcher 3, which I gave to a friend, along with INSIDE and Stardew Valley, which I finished, and got super bored of the repetitive nature respectively.

So what's good gang? Is there anything SUPER good that I've missed? I've kind of had my eye on World of Final Fantasy, Deux Ex, and Crash, but they all look kind middling. WOFF looks kind of generic, I hear DX is kinda crappy, and I finished all the Crash games when I was a kid.

I'm all ears!

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#6  Edited By matoya

Literally who gives a FUCK about card games

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Does anyone else remember that web article that had the MAIN PICTURE of him as the one where he's hitting the massive gong with his socks on? Top tier stuff

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You should have worn the wrist strap