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Average score of 14 user reviews

GBU Review - Tropico 3 0

          Best box art ever. This is the first in a series of video game reviews, in which I shall use a simple method - the ''good, bad and the ugly'' method, in order to help me describe a video game. I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, as English is not my native language.    Description           This is a review for the Xbox 360 version of Tropico 3. The game first came out on PC last October (both in the US and in Europe), and this February it came out on the Xbox 360 in the US...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Godfather II is a very solid and fun sandbox game. 0

The Godfather II is a sandbox action game from EA Redwood Shores, where you take up the role of Dominic, a Corleone mafia Don, and start your own family in New York, later Florida and Cuba. Graphics wise, the game looks OK. I would compare it to Saints Row 2, it looks about as good as that, which means that it's not amazing, nor is it bad looking, just OK. The strategic element of the game - Don's View works great. You get all the right information about targets, rackets, and families that you c...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Post-apocalyptic fun 0

Let me start this off by saying that Fallout 3 is an amazingly well done game. There are a few bigger snags to it, like the clunky combat system and the fact that people's eyes in the game don't move or wink, but it's all fogiveable - the expierience is great.  There are a lot of many interesting charecters to meet in the world of Fallout 3, such as Harold, Three-Dog (who I killed, because he spoke bad of me on the radio) and others. The quests are also good, and varied.  I love the storyline of...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

...but it's so damn hard. 0

Braid is one of the best games available on XBL Marketplace, and it's well worth the money. Braid is a 2D Puzzle/Platformer. The game is very interesting, because on each level there is a different flow of time. You have to solve a puzzle on each level, and in order to do this, you have to collect the puzzle pieces. And there' s monsters everywhere to stop you from doing this. You have to manipulate time in order to get the puzzle pieces.  Ofcourse, your main objective is not to collect the piec...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Amazing sandbox expierience 0

GTA IV is a great game, and it's my GOTY 2008. Now, most of you have already read/watched a lot of reviews for this game, and I'm not going to tell you anything new - it's amazing. There's not a lot of flaws to this game, except for some few graphical glithches here and there, and Niko's annoying, but funny cousin calling you in the middle of a bank robbery to ask you to go bowling, but it all can be forgiven - for GTA IV creates the best environment in gaming history - Liberty City. The story i...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Rapture awaits 0

BioShock is my GOTY 2007. It is not only a piece of art, it is one fantastic game. I'm not going to write much about it, but hey, nobody asked me to. Anyway, BioShock is one of the most atmospheric and beautiful games ever made - it looks stunning, and the soundtrack and design is awesome. The gameplay is also very interesting, as you get to use not only regular weapons, but also cool special abilities with your ''left arm''. You can set people on fire, freeze them, send waves of bees upon them,...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fun for a few hours. 0

The Bourne Conspiracy is really a playable game. Sure, it's nothing compared to most high-profile action games, but it's worth a rental. You'll be playing as Jason Bourne - a character from one of the best action movie trilogies of recent years. If you know Bourne, you'll know that there won't be much shooting in this game. There isn't much, but there is some - and it's very very dissapointing. Although the shooting parts aren't much, the most fun you'll have with this game will be when using ha...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Zombie madness? Fo sho! 0

Valve's masterful creation - Left 4 Dead is one of the best games of the year. It's a zombie FPS, which involves you, and 3 other people (bots, your XBL buddies or random Koreans) shooting them in the face, and other body parts. For a cooperative shooter - it's very good. The coop works well, and the game's pretty atmospheric. There is practicly no storyline, and there are only 4 zombie-filled campaigns to play though (each about 1hr long on Normal). It is kind of short, but since there's Versus...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Despite the bugs, it's playable 0

Need for Speed: Undercover is a racing game, as you might have imagined. There's a lot of cool real-life cars, good tuning options, but the gameplay is mediocre. First of all, it's buggy - there are a lot of pop-ups, the framerate is unstable at most times, and the races are really cake.  It's nice to play a racing game once in a while, but this one just isn't that good. It also includes what probobly is the most stupid open world in gaming history - why the hell would you make an open world rac...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

It burns... 0

It's sad. The potential that Far Cry 2 had was huge - a 50sqkm African open world, gunplay, great graphical design and gameplay. Too bad only some of that came true. Yeah, there is a 50sqkm open world, and there's great graphics - but where's all the fun? The game play is horrific. All you do, is complete missions which involve you driving from one place to another, killing a lot of dudes on the way, and repairing your car like 20 times within your journey. The bottom line is, it sucks. The mult...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Guilty Pleasure? 0

Now, you might think Saints Row 2 is a Grand Theft Auto clone. Well, partly it is, but then again any sanbox game would be. There are many great activities, and in the sense of humour and things to do, well, Saints Row 2 maybe even is superior to GTA IV. Saints Row 2 hasn't got a typically interesting storyline, but it's OK. Since you get to make your own dude and run around naked in the streets, who cares? It is glitchy and there are pop-ups now and then, but you can still enjoy the game and ha...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Modern Warfare with a WWII setting? 0

Yes, its true ladies and gentlemen - Call of Duty: World at War is a lot like Modern Warfare. Too much like modern warfare. And lets get that outta the way first, because otherwise - World at War is a great game. The campaign, which has no training level, is divided into 2 main acts. On one side you are an American fighting the Japanease, on the other - a Russian fighting the Nazis. The campaign is short, but it's very good while it lasts. Although, not as good as last year's. The multiplayer is...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Halo 3 is a must-buy for any 360 owner. 0

Halo 3 in it's very glory is a highly addicting and fun game. The campaign consists of 10 (or so) levels, each is unique and design brilliantly. You can play alone, or with three other people, either locally or online. Ofcourse, it's more fun to play with other people. In campaign, you get to play as Master Chief, and you basicly shoot aliens. But it's really, really, really fun. The only thing I can really complain about is the horrible weapons design, you don't even know what the weapon does b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Mercenaries 2 is unpolished, boring and annoying. 0

I was very excited about getting Mercenaries 2, not just because Mercenaries one was an awesome game, but because you can blow the sh*t out of everything. Well, too bad even that doesn't work out that way. The game has a boring storyline and charecters, so I wouldn't even bother telling you about them. The gameplay was fun for the first 10 minutes (yes, I actually loved the first mission), but after that it gets boring and repetitive. I left the game on the shelf after some more missions. It is ...

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