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Grand Theft Auto Wii, Please Don't

I was just reading a post on Joystiq about the possibility of having a Grand Theft Auto game on the Wii. One of the lines in the post read, " Reggie wants it, gamers want it, but will Take-Two ever deliver?" Now I can see Reggie wanting a multi billion dollar making series on his system. But, do gamers really want a GTA game on the Wii? When Nintendo announced GTA: China Town Wars for the DS I was interested mainly because of the fact that it was announced. I wasn't excited for at all, just interested in seeing how they would do it, but of course Nintendo never told us anything more at E3.

A possible GTA game for the Wii doesn't excite me at all either. And there is a very simple reason why. I don't think that a Wii GTA game would deliver an experience anywhere close to what I've been getting out of GTA IV on the 360. For one, we know that graphics won't be anywhere close to what the PS3 and 360 provide. I also don't think that you would have as big of an environment as you did with GTA IV or certainly future GTAs on a Sony or Microsoft console. And I don't just mean on the outside, I'm talking inside as well.

Second, the controls. You know that Rockstar will have to do something with the Wiimote. I don't think that it will work for a GTA game. And what about the story? Would Nintendo try to get Rockstar to tone down the game for the sake of the audience that Nintendo is really targeting with the Wii? Who, knows.

There are so many questions that would have to be answered correctly for me to even give a GTA Wii game a chance. Maybe this is because I'm mad at Nintendo for the way they have been doing business the past year. Hell I haven't touched my Wii in months, except to move it. And today I hacked my DS so that I would be able to put DS games on one cart, partly because it makes it easier to carry games and such around. But, also because I want to make sure that Nintendo gets the least amount of money from me possible. And as of right now, a GTA game on the Wii would not get me anywhere near as excited as I was for the Wii when it first came out, not even close.