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MasterOfPenguins_Zell: Collection
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  • Interesting game, but I got kind of annoyed with the whole, "kill your dudes in order to beat the level," mechanic, and I can't find a way to beat the levels without using that mechanic. Maybe there's a way, but I haven't found it.....

  • Have this game for my Mac, lots of fun to play. I just like force lightning people. >=]

  • Cool game, I wish I didn't have to control everything with the stylus, but whatever, once you get used it, it's not so bad. Hate having to go back to Temple place all the time though....

  • It's Wii Sports. Not much to say....

  • I picked this up for the controller, and the tank game. Cool game if you think about it as a $40 controller that comes with a $10 game. Tanks is fun.... =p

  • I don't really like this game as much as others seem to, but it is fun.

  • First real game I played on my Wii, it was a lot of fun, got right up to the end and stopped. The wolf mechanic was cool, I enjoyed being the wolf. And gathering those techniques, I used a couple of them a lot, really useful.

  • This game makes me wanna jump. Makes me see buildings as a bunch of stepping stones. I picked this up on Amazon for really cheap, played through it in a few days. Really fun game. Totally saw the ending coming though. =P

  • Was worried that I wouldn't like this, but now that I have it, I really like it. Not that it's news that it's a good game, but I really like it.

  • What a strange game... >__> but it's fun. Took me a while to get into it, he battle system is a little weird, like the whole game. It has an interesting story though, a pretty good RPG.

  • The best Street game, IMO. I don't really like basketball games, but I love this one. Played a lot of it, the Gamecube version. Kinda wanna play some now.......

  • I think this was the second Harvest Moon game I played... I think I got it as another game for my mom to play with me. It's a fun game, but I don't remember too much about it. Constantly confusing it with the other HM for the Gamecube......

  • My mom and I played waaaaay too much of this game. I have many fond memories of my coming home from elementary school to her playing it in the living room, telling me about what she found that day, and that there gifts outside my home. We both played for a little over a full year, there for every holiday, gathering everything we could. Lot of great memories.....

  • I LOVE this game. I don't really know what to say about it, it's just one of my all time favorites, and probably the best JRPG on the Gamecube.

  • Two dollars for a fun little game. Easy to pick up and play anything you have a few minutes. The second mode that is unlocked is even better than the first IMO, but, it's also sort of easier. It's just more fun.....

  • Meh. After getting Dual Strike, this game was just...meh. I love my SRPG's and Advance Wars but this was just... Well, it strayed a bit. It's a post apocalyptic game, but not in the same world as the other Advance Wars games. I figure that they just wanted to make a post apocalyptic Advance Wars game, but didn't want to kill off the characters from the previous games. It did add some cool things, like being able to put a CO in a unit, making it basically a hero unit. But then they got rid of my beloved ranking system. Not too many new War Room maps either if if I recall correctly. Not much re-playability period really.... I dunno... It would be an awesome game without the Advance Wars name attached to it, but since it's there, just a decent AW game.

  • This game just just hard. I'm not too great at puzzle games, as I usually play games for the action, and don't really like having to do things over and over until I get them right. It's a really cool DSi Ware game, but it's just difficult. Makes me cry like N . But you do feel really when you finally get through a level.

  • Harvest Moon games are fun. I enjoy getting a better and better farm, but it's hard to go back to a file after a couple weeks or a month. I always get stuck thinking, "What was I doing?" trying to get back into the habits that I created is difficult. But that's only if I stop playing it everyday. Which eventually happens, because it's a long game. But hey, it's fun building up your farm from scratch.

  • I've never been good at Metroid games, I don't know what it is, I just don't think they like me. I have this on Virtual Console though, I thought maybe if I played the original I would have a better idea of the series. There were just so many doors though, totally confused me, and I don't think I like Metroid in 2D... I had a problem with Fusion too. Prime was cool, from what I played of it, it was just sort of dark......

  • I was never much of a Mario fan, the jumping around never really appealed to me. But I loved 64. Too bad it doesn't hold up well... I remember struggling with the camera when I was younger, but now it feels especially bad. It's the main reason I can't play it very well now. The remake for the DS is said to have fixed these problems, maybe I'll pick that up, if for no other reason but as an attempt to preserve my nostalgia for the game.

  • One of my all time favorite games, I played this game every day once I got it for my N64, beat it's small campaign a few times a day. Got so pro at it that I could go around the left side every time, which is the hardest side IMO. I re-purchased it right when it came to Virtual Console. Games kinda hard now, but I guess I just need some practice, the aiming is really sensitive and terrible. It's not so much that aiming has gotten better, I think it was just always terrible... Awesome game though...

  • Looked kinda cool, so I picked it up on the Virtual Console, played a bit of it, game was killing me. I found the controls sort of difficult, but I like it. Thing is, feels like I should have someone else playing with me, but it's only local co-op, so, that kinda sucks. Not that I expected online co-op of course, just saying... But I heard it's on or coming to XBL Marketplace, and if that has online co-op, I might pick it up there too.

  • Bought this when I got Eternal Sonata, dude at Game Crazy was like, in love with it. Didn't like it at first, but it's really fun once you get past the first couple areas.

  • At first this game was really tough, and I think Namco did that to make people buy those stupid Level Up DLC packs, but once you get past that, it's a really good game. I found it harder than ToS, but enjoyed the story and gameplay overall.

  • Doesn't seem to work great on my 360, but it's cool nonetheless. Once I get a PC, I want to get these games again, play then how they were meant to be played.

  • Got this for my 360 when I first bought it, still haven't finished it, but it's a lot of fun. Apparently you have to play through twice to get all the Achievements, one of those things you sort of need a guide for. I plan on buying it eventually, so I get get everything. <3 Namco.

  • Games OK, fun when you're assassinating dudes, but otherwise, it's just OK. I enjoy the story though, the secrecy of it all.

  • Long awaited sequel to one of my favorite series, it's different than the others, obviously but still really fun. Can really get lost building things, and just flying around.

  • At first I didn't really think much of this game, but in the end I really loved it, played through a few times, and still plan on playing more.

  • First shooter I really really enjoyed since Goldeneye, one of my all time favorites, absolutely love CoD4.

  • I've never really been a fan of racing games, but I love this one. Ton of fun and great style.

  • I seem to be terrible at this game. But it is fun, especially when you play with others.

  • Loved this game as a child, so I re-purchased it on the XBL Marketplace. I feel that it still holds up fairly well.

  • I bought this when it was half off in the XBL Marketplace. Pretty good deal, fun to just jump around and destroy with the pistol and assault rifle. Too bad I was talking to a friend over Skype one day, and she was talking about Twilight, and now I can't think about the first Halo without being reminded of Twilight..... =/.... Maybe someday I'll just power through it...

  • Who doesn't love Peggle? It's a fun way to pass the time, but I don't think I'm too great at it. Don't really think about my shots, just kinda quick look and fire.... Whatever, it's fun nonetheless, while still being hard.

  • Jeez this game destroys me, so mean. Makes me want to cry but I love it.

  • Really enjoyed the original two Advance Wars on the GBA, and I really, really loved this iteration. A lot of replayability, and good times to be had. The ranking system was different and really cool to use.

  • I have this game for my DS, never played the original. It's a fun game, I still need to beat it. I got up to the final boss's final form, and got destroyed, so, need to grind a bit. But I really liked Chrono Trigger.....

  • You know, I got to the end of this game twice. I got to the entrance to the last area and final boss, saved and stopped for the day. Once I started the next area, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop til I finished, which would be a couple hours later.

    Come back the next day to a corrupted file. I put it down for a bit, obviously upset. Come back some months down the line, and start over. Get right up to the same point, stop, and save. Come back later to a corrupted file. I promptly sell the game that I still loved so much out of anger.

    Years later, I buy it back, and well, it doesn't exactly hold up fully, but it's playable and still fun. Beat the ice level, and stopped. Really need to finish it before my file corrupts again.

    But wow, I love this game, one of my favorites of all time.

  • Used to play this all the time. I never really thought about how long I had been playing it til Brawl came out. Seven years. Seven years this was one of the most fun fighting games.... I was never a big fan of fighting games, and this isn't exactly the best one to truly test fighting skill, but nevertheless, it was really fun to play.

  • This actually gives you a workout, but it's sort of annoying, and the lunges are hard, you have to be very precise. >___> Sucks when you're doing the exercise and the game doesn't know it....

  • Guess this was missing from my list... But whatever, I really liked this game. Played it a bunch when it first came out.

  • Sequel to Path of Radiance, the tenth FE did some interesting and annoying things. For one, making you split continuously change which side you were fighting for, it was just annoying to fight the characters that you just got finished training and giving good weapons.

    But overall I liked it.

  • A lot of FE games hate on this game too, mainly because of the protagonist. I'm not really picky when it comes to this generally. Some people..... Anyway, I really like this game, it didn't really need to be on console, but whatever, it wasn't bad that it was. Introduced things that FE 7 and FE 8 didn't have, like forging items....

  • A lot of people hate on this game, but I really like it. It's not particularly hard, but it's fun. You can really train a lot of characters, and use them all. Unlike in other FE games where I have to choose wisely who I want to train, and really get invested in those characters.

    With Sacred Stones, I could train a character up, and choose from there. But, sort of ruins some of the difficulty that the other games bring since you can just grind. But, you don't have to grind, so, whatever.

    Anyway, fun game.

  • I don't remember how I got this, but I have the guide too.... Really cool to have the original Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask all on one disc.

  • Love this game, but who doesn't? I think I beat it once on the GBA, but never finished it my DS, which is the version I currently own.

  • Pretty good FF game. I've never beaten it, but I've got to the same temple twice now, only to get my butt kicked, tired of training. But still, pretty good game.

  • The follow up to one of my favorite games of all time, I played a good 150 hours of it during 2008, when it dropped in the summer. Story is pretty terrible, but the gameplay is solid and fun.

  • I've purchased this game at least four times. I regret ever selling it in the first place, but then to buy and sell it again, three times? Ridiculous, but this latest time, I'm holding onto it. Probably the first game that I spent over 500 hours with. Really love this game.

  • My introduction to the world of Fire Emblem, unless you call unlocking Marth and Roy in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

    I remember when I first got this game too, it was Christmas Eve, I guess of 2003, when the game come out in the US. I was visiting my local Game Crazy, like I often did, and talking to Karen, an employee who also enjoyed GBA games. After staring at all the games for a little while, I finally put my hands on the game, and after being very confused for about 3-4 minutes about Seizing the house in the Prologue, and moving onto finishing the second level, I was in love.

    I came back later that night and my mom bought it for me.... Probably played a good 150-200 hours of that game altogether, at least....

  • A decent Fire Emblem game, my least favorite, but good for those who have never played a Fire Emblem before.

  • Great tower defense game for the DS. Awesome script and gameplay.

  • As most people know, I've played a good deal of this game, and it's one of my all time favorites.

  • Love this game, very fun to toss your little dude around.

  • Interesting game, but haven't played much of it. Sort of annoyed me with all the micro transactions....

  • Fun, mindless fun.

  • Lot of good times with this game. Christmas Eve 2008 was great, played for like 18 hours straight....

  • SNES version, from Virtual Console. Loved it on the GBA.