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With @zanzibarbreeze's blessing, I am going to begin working on putting together a best of 2015 Beastcast compilation. I can't give any kind of time frame because this is the first time I've done anything like this. If you have any moments that you think must be in there, pop them in here, and otherwise, I shall be digging in. Thanks for all the support!

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@ajayraz: Thanks, I wanted to play it safe since I don't post much on the forum, and I appreciate the lead on the Youtube link.

@gvalo I'm up for doing side ideas like that too. I'll see how long one project takes before I promise anything, though.

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#4  Edited By maskmys

@zanzibarbreeze did amazing work creating his This Year podcast compilations, but it's been a while since he has posted here or on Twitter, so I wanted to put the question out there, is there interest in the creation of compilations of the Bombcast and Beastcast? If so, I am willing to do the cutting and editing to put something together, but I would want some help picking favorite moments from the community. Most likely, I would start with the Beastcast because it has never had a compilation, and it's a smaller amount of content to pick through.

Zanzibar, if you're out there, I'm not trying to step on your toes, if this is something you want to do, I will happily step aside. I love the This Year compilations and I only wish to continue the legacy in some small way.

If I missed a rule change stating that creating comps of the podcasts is no longer allowed, then please let me know and I will cease immediately. I'm not looking to make money on this, I just want to give back to the community. Thanks all, I hope this leads to cool things.

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The nice thing about the Nexus line is that as long as they are remotely viable, they will get updates. I recently got the 2013 Nexus 7 and took it from 4.2 or 4.3 to the most up to date Android through a series of updates. It was fun seeing things evolve a bit over time, but I'm a nerd like that. Assuming it fits your size needs, I see no reason why the 9 won't do the job for your needs.

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#6  Edited By maskmys

Get yourself a pair of Sennheiser headphones with velour ear cups, they are the best. I own this pair and they are unbelievably comfortable. That pair also comes with a 4 foot cable for walking around with and a 9 footer you can use with the computer for gaming.

I did a little looking and found this pair on sale which would match your needs perfectly, they're open, currently $150, and have an amazing sound stage if they're the pair I'm thinking they are.

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Uptown Funk [Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars]

Treasure [Bruno Mars]

Sugar Magnolia [the Grateful Dead]

Bad Company [Bad Company, from the album Bad Company, featured in the movie entitled Bad Company]

Heaven Is a Place On Earth [Belinda Carlisle]

The Score [Emerson, Lake, & Powell]

Can't Keep Johnny Down [They Might Be Giants]

Our Day Will Come [Amy Winehouse]

Always With Me, Always With You [Joe Satriani, specifically from the Satriani Live album]

Don't Fight It [Huey Lewis & the News, anything from the Downtown Soulsville album would fit]

Twilight [Electric Light Orchestra]

When I Look Into Your Eyes [Santana]

Xanadu [Olivia Newton-John]

Love Never Felt So Good [Michael Jackson, make sure you get the original mix without Justin Timberlake]

Mega Force [707]

True Colors [Cyndi Lauper]

there's one or two that don't totally fit, but I hope you enjoy some of them.

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@i_stay_puft: Oh I've watched him play in regular games. I posted highlight reels just so you can see what makes him special in a quick burst. He moves way too slowly up and down the court right now for the NBA but, as said, that's why he's in the D-League, so he can improve his game.

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#9  Edited By maskmys

@thatpinguino: I agree, he's far from ready right now. If I was Sacramento I'd be doing everything I could to get him there, though. Imagine a 1-2 of Cousins and Bhullar, that would be crazy.

On an unrelated note, if you need more basketball, check out FIBA's Youtube

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#10  Edited By maskmys

If you just want to watch awesome basketball, then check out this youtube channel. I think it has just about every big performance of the last several years.

If you want to follow a team through a whole season but don't want to pay for League Pass, the NBA D-League has been streaming its games for the last couple of seasons and they have highlights. When I can, I try to watch the Reno Bighorns because they have John Stockton's son, David and this giant Indian player named Sim Bhullar who I really want to be the next star center.

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(if it's not cool for me to post videos like this, I apologize, and I can pull them down)

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