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@man_flannel said:

@sor_eddie said:

@man_flannel said:

Yeah. That's pretty much the worst fucking thing I have ever listened to.

Was it really though?

Also you must have not listened to a lot of things then. Try Metal Machine Music sometime.

Yeah totally bro. I "must have not listened to a lot of things" if I don't like some shitty cover Jeff did of a J-pop song. Jeff is a horrible singer. So bad it's laughable. That was some William Hung "she bang she bang" level awfulness.

No, I'm saying you must not have listened to much music if this totally listenable song is "the worst fucking thing you've ever listened to". Do you even know what Metal Machine Music is? It's 3 hours of Lou Reed putting his guitar against an amp and recording the endless feedback loops.

Well, I'm sure somebody would consider the sound of explosive diarrhea music. But as far as something a sane human being would listen to? I haven't heard much worse. But hey, if you liked that, maybe you like this.

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#3  Edited By MAN_FLANNEL

@sor_eddie said:

@man_flannel said:

Yeah. That's pretty much the worst fucking thing I have ever listened to.

Was it really though?

Also you must have not listened to a lot of things then. Try Metal Machine Music sometime.

Yeah totally bro. I "must have not listened to a lot of things" if I don't like some shitty cover Jeff did of a J-pop song. Jeff is a horrible singer. So bad it's laughable. That was some William Hung "she bang she bang" level awfulness.

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Yeah. That's pretty much the worst fucking thing I have ever listened to.

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Said it added it to my collection but even that won't load. Don't know if I got it but hopefully the website will work within the next 2 days.

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#6  Edited By MAN_FLANNEL

The italian digiorno pizzas are fucking delicious. They have extra herbs, better toppings, and olive oil on the crust. It doesn't even taste like a regular digiorno pizza.

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Well, I fucking hate the internet...

After hearing about this, I went on twitter to see what was up. Both Paul Walker and Fast and Furious are trending. I figure I'd click on them to see what everyone is saying. The fast and furious one pops up and shows a bunch of pictures. Guess what one of the pictures is?

If you guessed a picture of paul walkers dead face with a huge bloody gash in it, side by side with a pic of him alive, you guessed correctly.

I hate everything

I'm pretty sure that isn't him. Paul didn't have a ginger beard and that dudes eyebrows are too high.

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#8  Edited By MAN_FLANNEL

This thread is hilarious. So much salt.

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Is his name really Timm? TimM?! TimMMMMMMMMMM?!

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#10  Edited By MAN_FLANNEL

@danm_999 said:

@man_flannel said:

And Fallout New Vegas isn't as good as Fallout 3. The graphics are worse. It had little atmosphere outside of the strip (which was pathetic) and the soundtrack. Fallout 3 on the other hand oozes with atmosphere. Being someone who likes to experience all of the content of a game (and whoring achievements), the branching main quest line was a clusterfuck.

It wasn't really a clusterfuck, though, it was just you couldn't experience every faction path and ending in a single playthrough. Like, you know, a lot of RPGs (including the original Fallout games, FFS). If you're playing an RPG to be "whoring achievements", and to experience "all the content of a game" in one playthrough, I'm tempted to say the genre really isn't your thing. Most really good WRPGs don't do that.

New Vegas asked you to decide on a vision for the Mojave between old world democracy, neo-fascism, technocratic dictatorship, and a player driven meglomania. It asks that question by pitting you against clever and persuasive adversaries like Mr House and Caesar who repeatedly make their arguments through their results, results which are compelling given the disorder of the wasteland, but morally ambiguous. It also creates ambiguity by portraying the NCR as simultaneously corrupted and altruistic; virtuous and viceful. It's comforting to us because we're used to supporting old world democracies, but aren't old world democracies exactly what created the Fallout universe's current woes? And it implies maybe none of them are right. It offers no clear 'right' answer, and expects you to impose your own meaning on the decisions you make. The game builds to the significance of its own ending by its tone and content.

Fallout 3 asked you towards the end "Do a Genocide in the Potomac water supply: y/n?" with pretty much no foreshadowing or philosophical underpinning to make that choice when Eden presents it to you. He just wants to kill things because he thinks it's a good plan. You can even convince him to kill himself because he's clearly insane, and of course he is, because Fallout 3 has no interest in creating any nuance, and the bad guy has to be that way. The alternative is free water for everyone which will be very nice and very Christian (which, to its credit, is foreshadowed early in the game). But it's one of the most blatant examples of the Good/Evil ending dichotomies in modern video games.

Plus, the ending of New Vegas actually has completely different levels depending on who you side with, whilst the ending of Fallout 3 does not.

I didn't want to play a 30 hour rpg 4 times to see all 4 cutscenes. Fuck me right? (Insert Jonah Hill meme). In all seriousness, that's all they are. No substance whatsoever. Only difference is which way you run across a dam and which 60 second cutscene you get at the end. If there was actually a difference I would have enjoyed playing through the 4 paths, but all I did was play through the same crappy battle 4 times. On my second ending, I was like "wow, I'm still fighting on this dam?" Where is the payoff? At first I didn't know I was picking sides. Having a bunch of quests all of a sudden fail by progressing past an arbitrary point didn't seem like the best design to me. "Oh shit, the game branched there? Better save here, load that quick save when I entered the building and create a hard save so I can play the other way later".

Who cares if the choice at the end of Fallout 3 was easy to make or shallow? It's not the crux of the game like in New Vegas. It could not be there for all I care. There were plenty of other choices in the game in the side quests that I felt were more satisfying than choosing what dude gets to run video game land in a cutscene.