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Most Looked Forward to Games

A list of the games that I can't wait to get my hands on.

List items

  • I can't wait to play this game because it's basically a cooler, more realistic and styalish Prince of Persia game. Oh and the First Person Free Running just looks stuning. Mostlikly will be my favorite game of the year.

  • I like open world games that allow you to do what ever you want, and Fallout 3 looks like it'll fullfill that and so much more. Also the dark humor this series is known for sould make it all the better.

  • This looks the spy version of Mass Effect to me, wich is a very good thing. I love the idea of making a RPG about spys since it's not the tipical fantasy or sci fi setting that we usally see in this typ of game.

  • Yah this game will most likely be expensive as hell, but I'm sure it will be all worth it as long as the guitars work better than they did in the first game. Pluse I love how you can play all the tracks from the first game if you all ready own it. Great idea : )

  • After the riveting ending to Episode Two, how could I not be looking forward to this game. Here's hopeing Valve can get it out before I'm an old man :D

  • The latest game from the tiwsted mind of Tim Schaffer the creator of such classic games like Psychonauts, Grim Fandango, Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacal, and many more. I know that this is going to be a one of a kind game with a unique world, well writen story, and characters you can care about.

  • it seems like such a cool idea to be able to make my own platforming levels and share them with other players.