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#1  Edited By Magma_Pear

Ever find a game world too depressing to play?  
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#2  Edited By Magma_Pear

I'm one of those people who don't think it's proper to compare consoles to the PC, since the PC is so superior. So I left the PC out of the my vote and picked MS. Which is also like picking the PC, because MS = PC....... 
See what I did there..!! LOL PC always wins!
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#3  Edited By Magma_Pear

Actually I do this often because after I've mastered a game on normal or hard, I find it very gratifying to destroy the computer while enjoying the story and gameplay mechanics. I also find it helps me smell the roses more when set to easy since the game is less intense. I also find that going back and playing on easy allows me to think more about how I play, which allows me to get more creative and have a different kind of fun while playing. I suppose it makes perfect sense, but playing on easy often can help me become a better player. When returning to a harder difficulty, I find I'm a lot more creative in the way I kick ass. 
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#4  Edited By Magma_Pear

Going to play the wait and see game on both so I voted neither. 
Wii U has turned me off on Nintendo for the immediate. PS Vita looks awesome but I have some concerns. I've found that as I'm on the go, I don't have too much time to get deep into a core game like I used to be able to when I was a kid. 
Since I got a WP7 I've found I do have time to quickly pop in and out casual games which provide some diversion. For example Hydro Thunder Go is amazing, Pac Man DX2 is great as are various other original games, tower defense games and etc. I find I can't play a DS FF game 15 minutes at a time waiting in line or waiting for the kids to get out of school as I'm parked out side. 
And then when I'm home and do have some time in the late evening, I don't play my handhelds because I'm too eager to play my consoles which have bigger and better games on them. So I've gone through this transition that feels natural towards playing on my cell phone for a few minutes which is just enough time to complete a level here and there. Combined with the fact that I earn achievements as I go on WP7, this is much more gratifying and much less frustrating than trying to complete a core game on a handheld. So while the PS Vita looks awesome, I'm concerned that I just won't have the time to get into it, and that it will collect dust despite it costing me $249 dollars. 
My guess is the PS Vita and 3DS will do much better with the younger crowd, or in general with people who have a lot more time on their hands than I do on a day to day basis. I think likely I'm going to pass on both in the end as that would likely be the most responsible thing to do with my money - you know, having a family to take care of and all.
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#5  Edited By Magma_Pear

Where do you go if you're having a technical problem with the site?
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#6  Edited By Magma_Pear

Have to say that I'm really impressed by Forza 4, and the kinect stuff for it is amazing. I think the Kinect is redeemed because of Forza 4 alone. Microsoft has all the 3rd party games coming out an dhas it's major first party games too. So I think the 360 is looking very good right now. I know a lot of people complained that ther was a lot of Kinect stuff - but really all I see is that a Kinect is being supported and it is being used to improve the games on the system, even the hardcore ones. I look forward to using Kinect with Mass Effect 3 for example.

For Sony, I really hope the PS Vista (hahah) destroys the 3DS. Sony has all their great first party games coming out and also tons of 3rd party support as usual. Now that the PSN crysis is over, all is well again. Sony, unlike MS has been putting MOve support into a lot of hardcore games from the start and they look to be continuing that. Plus they are doing some cool integration stuff with the Vita and the PS32. So I think Sony and MS are doing a great job of going head to head. I would have to sya that with th enew dashboard coming out for the 360 and the very tight voice integration they are doing plus the innovative stuff they are doing - plus the big kinect games that are going well, I think MS has the best outlook right now. You don't hear about any huge Move specific games out there unlike the 360 with games like Dance Central 2 coming out. There seems to be no killer app for the Move. And MS's big franchise game are still bigger than Sony's -. So I think MS has thehe edge right now.

NOw Nintendo I believe is in a sorry state. They certainly didn't get my money with the Wii. I'm sorry but I'm tired of all the great Mario and zelda games. Those games are all great but you know what they are all the same. Adding a little motion control gimmicks to them hasn't necessarily made them better. At least with Kinect there' all new stuff, and MS is demosntration how it can be used to actually improve existing games. Head tracking on Forza for exampe. Even the Move has this, GT5 had head tracking with the playstation eye.

Now we have the Nintendo U, or Wii U. Or Wii Wii. Sorry to troll on that bname for a bit, it's kind of stupid. But here is the thing. That system is may be a notch about the 360 and pS3 - but man, it's not really NEXT gen is it? Clearly not. That tech demo was NOT impressive. Neither was th Zelda one. Impressive to me is the Epic tech demo. Hell, even the demo shown by lionhead studios for the 360 looked worlds more impressive. I'm talking about this one:

And forza 4 - craps all over that tech demo. Uncharted 3, easily does the same. So I don't think the Nintendo U is looking all that impressive. It might down the line but not right now it isn't. And the controller. I'm sorry but I don't see myself playing a fighting game with that controller. Or a racing game. An RPG, maybe, maybe not.Is Skyrim coming out fo the U? There wern't any major game annoucments for it. No Mass Effect 3, no next Call of Duty. Is Ace Combat coming out for it?The biggest problem I have with NIntendo is that I was unconfivned with the Wii, and the U has done nothign to change that. I mean I heard a lot of promises but.... NOthing concrete. So it's a wait an dsee game. Plus now we already know that there will be no Xbox LIve or PSN equivelent on the system. This pretty much kills the system for any hardcore online community. This sort of makes the U dead in the water for me. They didn't announce the price either. I think Nintendo is is going to be stuck with they kiddy market they cut for themselves. They should stick to that rather than try to move in on the 360 and PS3 territory. IN a few years, the PS4 and Nextbox will crush it as far as the hardcore are concerned, I'm pretty sure of that. So the U seems like a waste of time and investment for the hardcore.
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#7  Edited By Magma_Pear

Let me see if I can make a screenshot of this. 
You see the box I type in is all white, and so is the text! So I can't see it! 
However if I hit control A to select all the text, Then I can see it. 
I typed a bunch of sgarbage tuff on the next line, I  and I didn't highlight it, so you can see that , as I type, I can't see anything.  

That did not work. Editing in Firefox using HTML. Ugh.
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#8  Edited By Magma_Pear

Guys, I love this site but I have a real big problem. It's all kinds of broken on IE9, the only browser I use. 
As we sepeak rightnow, I can't even see what I'm typing as I type it into this box. So I have no idea how messed up this post is going to be. been dealing with these problems since I ssigned up. 
I want to sign up for a year, I love the content and all the people on it, the videos and everything and I loved the E3 coverage - but I just can't justify paynig for th esite if it's all kinds of broken. I did download firefox and test it out and firefox works great. Why not IE9?
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#9  Edited By Magma_Pear

LOL Only losers taken the internet so seriously.
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#10  Edited By Magma_Pear

I think that if you are going to around sueing hackers and sending hackers to jail, you had better have good security. Wouldn't it be extremely risky to go after hackers if your security sucked? Think about it. It's like running into a burning building in the hopes of fighting the fire - while wearing an outfit soaked in gasoline. Obviously, you're not going to win, and secondly, you're going to get burned by the fire you're trying to fight.


Sony's not looking very bright these days.