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Gamecrazys rediculous employees

So first off, yay first blog post, now on to the good  stuff.
So I just traded in games at gamecrazy for the first time in like ever, I got ripped off of course but I dont really play them any more, whatever. Anyway I got around 60 bucks and I started browsing the used games. Since I am an informed consumer it allways takes me a long time to select my games. I like to riff through all of the used games checking behind some games to find any good deals. Anyways after like 5 minutes the guy comes over and asks me if I need help. He then recomend me two games, Velvet assassin and Transformers the video game. He told me that they were both awsome games and I would love both. yeah so that guy was realy knowledgeable. Anyway happy ending, I got Mirrors Edge which I have been lookng for for a while and TFU.

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