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I love #Taiwan more than I did before now ^-^

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  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic What Ending Did You Get? What Did You Think? (Obviously Spoilers). on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @seikenfreak: I think part of the problem is that the pacing is very uneven. For example, the entire prologue/first act feels like it could be an entire game in itself. In fact, I was really expecting...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic What Ending Did You Get? What Did You Think? (Obviously Spoilers). on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @seikenfreak: I agree, I've just seen the last one I was missing (at least I think so) and they all seem pretty mixed to me. I think the one where you become boss of the Afterlife and whatnot felt the...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic What Ending Did You Get? What Did You Think? (Obviously Spoilers). on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @prolurker: lol the bridge dialogue confused the hell out of me too. I wasn't sure what I was actually going to say; based on the flow of the conversation I thought I as Johnny was merely making a sug...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic What Ending Did You Get? What Did You Think? (Obviously Spoilers). on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    I've played through most of them and if I had to choose I would say Panam's ending would be my head-canon ending. It especially feels right since I chose the nomad lifepath. However, I'm not sure it's...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic Offensive Material. on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @bigsocrates: Ah, I understand now. Thank you very much for explaining that, it was very well written. :)I think you're right that the themes are poorly executed because the ads are so crass that it's...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic Offensive Material. on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @efesell: I guess so... I think it was the crucifixion part that really triggered me. I had no problem talking with the guy and being his friend but the way it ended was just... upsetting. Probably be...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic Offensive Material. on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @bigsocrates said:@charlie_victor_bravo: Cyberpunk has always been explicitly sexual in this way. It's very much rooted in the source material, though it's less in your face in text than in video game...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic Offensive Material. on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @efesell I have to admit there was a point in that mission when you're riding in their car and instead of engaging Joshua about his faith you can just talk to the other two about food--I greatly appre...

  • mabojun posted a message in the forum topic Offensive Material. on the Cyberpunk 2077 board

    @serryl said:@geirr said:Was anyone offended by the references to religion, particularly the mission SPOILER I would say I was quite offended by that mission and I'm not even that religious (tho rel...

  • mabojun posted a new image.