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#1  Edited By LOLByte87

so. There’s this old game. It’s from the early 2000’s, before 2009. I remember being in an incredibly large metal room filled with water. There were giant turtles also made of metal that don’t move and I think they may have been green or purple. Their shell was visible on the surface of the water but the rest of them were underwater. I recall there being pirate ships. I thought this was from Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts but I don’t think that’s right. I think the main character had on maybe yellow pants and a backpack. This was played on Xbox 360, I think. That or it was a PlayStation, but I’m certain it was Xbox. I didn’t own the game, I played it at someone else’s house.

Please let me know if you find out what this game was

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#2  Edited By LOLByte87

so. There’s this old game. It’s from the early 2000’s, before 2009. I remember being in an incredibly large metal room filled with water. There were giant turtles that don’t move and I think they may have been green or purple. Their shell was visible on the surface of the water but the rest of them were underwater. I recall there being pirate ships. I thought this was from Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts but I don’t think that’s right. I thought the main character had on yellow pants and a backpack. This was played on Xbox 360, I think. That or it was a PlayStation, but I’m certain it was Xbox. I didn’t own the game, I played it at someone else’s house.

Please let me know if you find out what this game was