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I was so optimistic 5 years ago

Earlier today I was prompted to sign in on Gamespot when I tried to post a comment on a video, and I forgot which of my email addresses I used for my Gamespot account. So I tried my primary email only to realize it was attached to a Gamespot account I used five years ago and was banned, which is apparently no longer banned after the site relaunch. I then took a look at my posting history and found this.

I used to spend a lot of time and energy in the system wars forum trying to be a voice a reason, but only resulting in my own frustration. It culminated in the thread above, which was quickly locked by the mods, presumably for having too much reason and common sense contained within it. After the lock I received a warning from a mod, to which I responded with maybe too much hostility, but part of me was just hoping he would ban me so I could avoid the temptation of continuing to engage with the most immature and irrational subset of the video game community, and he did.

These days I pretty much tend to just shake my head and ignore ridiculous console war fanboyism, but back then I was naive enough to think I could actually bring some sort of reason to the discussion.

Anyone else spend any time in system wars, or am I the only dumb enough to torture myself with that nonsense?