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Started & Finished (2019)

This year I'm looking to knock down more "classics" than I have in any other year. I want to be focused on my backlog and I'm looking to spent as little on the hobby as possible.

Since it's the beginning of the year, I'll set a goal, a list of games ppl love I've yet to play that I want to beat this year (1 for each month sounds like a doable goal.)

Here is 12 highly regarded games from the past I want to play through in 2019.

  1. Deus Ex or System Shock 2 (Either will count)
  2. Dragon's Dogma
  3. Eternal Darkness (2/07/2019)
  4. Fatal Frame II
  5. Final Fantasy IV
  6. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (1/11/19)
  7. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (1/21/2019)
  8. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (11/09/2019)
  9. Parasite Eve (8/10/2019)
  10. Policenauts
  11. Vagrant Story
  12. Valkyrie Profile

List items

  • 01/05/2019


    It's good to be relatable and Florence certainly is but the predictability of the story keeps it from being more than a fleeting experience. It's a beautiful game visually and the music holds its end of the bargain as well. However, what initially seem like clever and novel bits of gameplay mechanics never develop further and even in the less-than-an-hour experience become mundane.

    The wiki entry at this site refers to this game as an interactive storybook and that's right on the money. It's a digital picture book with some interactive elements you'll be able to gobble up in a seating.

    Being Asian, some of the Asian touches incorporated for the Asian protagonist I got a kick out of but it also kept the game from feeling unique for me personally.

    I can see why some ppl like it so much, I did enjoy it myself. Still, I wish the game was a bit more specific in defining the characters because familiarity and reliability can also mean been-there-done-that.

  • 01/11/2019


    Wow, what a video game. This was my first Fire Emblem and what I'll probably consider my first S(J)RPG. I've played through XCOM: EU so technically I've definitely played tactical role-playing games before but I think I robbed myself of the tension by save scumming. I've also played Valkyria Chronicles 1, 2, and 4 and those are considered SRPGs but the hybrid nature of those games, while I love them, always made me feel like a poser.

    Anyway, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance is the real deal, permadeath, no save scumming, brutal, ruthless tactics game and I loved (almost) every minute of it.

    The story starts simple but quickly and often gets complicated and this is the same case with the gameplay. It starts off seemingly stupid simple with the introduction of the weapon triangle. Swords beat axes, axes beat lances, and lances beat swords. Then you're introduced to the spell triangle. Then Laguz that are super powerful when they're beasts but only half of time because they can't attack when they're human. You can shove units out of the way so they're not at attack range. Flying units that can say fuck you to some environmental obstacles...anyway, it's a lot of fun.

    The game doesn't explain a lot of things and most of the should-know details I got because someone explained it to be or I looked it up way after I should've known. It's frustratingly old school in a lot of ways. These games seem to always throw stuff at you during battles to try to screw you over and it expects you to replay levels over and over again. For these reasons and more, I can't personally recommend it to ppl. The game really doesn't give a fuck about you and you're feelings. It is something to overcome. Whether that's your thing you know already.

    I personally love the shit out of it 'cause I feel like I learned a series, a genre, and a great game.

  • 01/16/2019


    FAST RMX is a visually stunning, blazing fast racer that will satiate your need for another F-Zero for a good while. However, what should be a 4 or 5 star game will ultimately ‘cause you to be done with the game before it’s done with you because of truly poor balance and racing game’s greatest sin, abusive rubberband A.i.. I’m going to count this as “complete” because I have 98% in the Championship mode and did about 10 Hero tracks.

    Pro tip: The novice difficulty is, for the most part, the hardest cup so if you get through that, you’ll find the other cups a breeze. No joke, that’s how f-ed the balance is in this game.

  • 01/18/2019


    Playing The Sands of Time for the first time some 15-16 years since it’s release, I was impressed in many ways. Very few games feel and play like a modern game from this era of gaming. It’s easy to see just how influential of a game PoP: SoT was to the games that came after it. The way it strings together animations, the automation of complicated actions, set-piece moments that cleverly integrate destructions around the player and it’s dedication to user friendliness and accessibility all become hallmarks of “next-gen.” There is lots to admire about this forward thinking title and it’s clear why this game was so well received in it’s day. Add to that, it’s still a beautiful game. Dust, fog, and light particles in the air constantly give every environment a sense of flavor and weight. The atmosphere remains intact and the game still has a sense place.

    The game is designed, for the most part, to be an breezy experience. Everything you do in the game looks cooler than it feels doing it. But that also means it’s never as satisfying or rewarding because as well as the game flows, all the component parts are rather surface level. I didn’t really have a problem with this, sometimes I just want a game to run through and site see. However, what really brought down the entire experience is the combat. The game constantly and consistently insists on jamming it’s mediocre combat down your throat every chance it gets and it really drags down the game. The camera, again for the most part, is cinematic and used to give the platform a sense of scale and awe but in battles, it is a jidderly mess that always failing to adjust and gets in the way of the player. What exasperates the camera issue is the auto-lock that’s deployed during the fighting sequences. You can’t changed your target and it forces you into a stance that causes the Prince to not be able to run or move freely. As a result, you’ll often feel like you’re getting hit because of the limitations that set in place during these moments. The developer throws waves and waves of enemies and you handle everyone one of them the same way. While it seems ok for the first 2 or so hours, it only serves to pad out a 10 hour game after the initial introduction of it. Not only that, if you get hit, expect the enemies to get another 2-3 hits in while your lying on the ground, unable to do anything. Not only is it not fun, it’s maddingly frustrating.

    Other than that, I was disappointed to see that the “Sands of Time,” the rewind mechanic in the game doesn’t serve gameplay purpose but instead, only exist to alleviate the trial-and-error nature of some of the platforming in places with bad camera angles that’s difficult to make out where your jumping to. It’s even more annoying when this mechanic doesn’t seem to work in some of the combat zones where abusive A.i. forces retries of many areas.

  • 01/21/2019


    Man, what a delight. Always amusing, if not funny. Irreverent but not mean or sarcastic. It’s a mystery adventure with a metric ton of heart, soul, and life, which is so beautiful in a game much about death. I’m completely in love with the animation in this game and the overall audio/visual presentation is top notch. There are so many lovable characters and twists and turns in the story, I found myself feeling variety of emotions throughout the game.

    The one thing I went back and forth on is the gameplay. The gimmick of controlling objects, using your “ghost trick” to solve puzzles is cool but it’s as contrived as it is clever. That said, by the time I saw credits, I landed firmly on the positive side of the fence. It uses it in meaningful ways, not just to give you some good puzzles, but quite impactfully in some crucial moments of the story. So at the end of the day, I can forgive how convenient, where and how objects are placed. and characters behaved. There are also parts with a good deal of trial and error but I’m not good at these types of games so I’ll take the bulk of the blame for that.

  • 01/27/2019


    I really wanted to love this game and some parts of it I do. I love exploring small towns, especially Small Town, USA and much of this game is about that. That’s the part I love. I also love it’s use of the Wii-mote. Hands down the best use of the controller that I know of. It’s used as a flashlight, pinching/grabbing objects and solving puzzles and as a phone and for the most part, it works wonderfully. Also, all the stuff with the therapist is dope, except coloring the house.

    I was under the impression that the story was the selling point of this game and I have to say, it didn’t do it for me. It’s not bad but all in all, I’m just not sold on how it comes together. Silent Hill can’t just be a spooky place. Silent Hill is part of you and your character and the revelations in this game I feel kinda betrays that. Not totally but it’s something I have to think about and let sink in. Idk where I’ll land on it a week or 2 from now. Maybe I’ll change my mind. If you see the rating is higher than my original 3 stars, then you know I did.

    Another thing is, because the exploration and the monster encounters are compartmentalized, it sucks the scares out of the game. This game has so much potential and some of it is beautifully realized and I was ready to declare it a masterpiece from the initial 15-20 mins of the game. In the end, it’s a novel game with great ideas and some great executions as well as plenty of not so great executions.

  • 02/07/2019


  • 02/13/2019


  • 02/21/2019


  • 04/07/2019


  • 04/19/2019


  • 05/01/2019


  • 05/09/2019


  • (REPLAY)



  • 06/15/2019


  • 06/16/2019


  • (REPLAY)



  • 06/23/2019


  • 06/27/2019


  • 07/09/2019


  • 07/15/2019


  • 08/01/2019


  • 08/10/2019


  • 09/21/2019


  • 09/27/2019


  • 10/01/2019


  • 10/03/2019


  • 10/09/2019


  • 10/14/2019


  • 10/20/2019


  • 10/23/2019


  • 10/27/2019

    (Campaign Only)


  • 11/09/2019


  • 11/26/2019


  • 12/06/2019


  • 12/17/2019


  • 12/24/2019
