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Too many games...

I need to blog. I used to have a blog and I miss it. I stumbled across this awesome website/community yesterday and have decided to give it a shot. I have no idea if anything will come of it or if I will do this regularly, but I'm trying it today. In skimming the forums and spying peoples' profiles, I realized most people don't blog here. I don't know what the norms of this website are but I'm looking forward to learning since everything I've seen here is awesome...And hopefully it's not completely odd for me to try to blog. /end nervous thoughts.

I have a gigantic back log of games that I'm really ashamed of. I have the habit of getting 50%-75% through a game, then just stopping and starting a new one. This needs to end now! I feel like I'm not a real gamer since the small list of games I've beaten is embarrassing compared to my huge collection of games. I am not allowing myself to start a new game until I finish the games I'm currently playing, which I will list here.

FINAL FANTASY X HD. I have beaten FFX many, many times. It happens to be my favorite game of all time. I started this game as soon as it came out in March and I'm in the position to beat the story now, but I want to do some of the extras before beating it. I had the goal of getting the platinum trophy for this game, but I'm not sure how realistic that is because I don't even know where to begin to complete the sphere grid. I'm not sure I have the patience or the time to do it. So for now, I'm just doing some little things. Yesterday, for example, I beat Catcher Chocobo with less than 0.0 seconds! That was a big accomplishment for me since that mini game is ridiculously annoying. My next goal is to win some Blitzball games which I've gotten really good at, but again, I'm not sure I have the patience to sit there and win all the games you have to in order to get Wakka's celestial weapon or overdrives or whatever.

Oh, let me tell you WHY I'm short on time for games: I am mother to a 12 month old little monster! I lovingly refer to her as my monster. She's a joy, but she's time consuming (of course). I do not get to play all the games that I want because 90% of my day is filled with her, but I do make sure to play something everyday. I doubt anyone will read this, and if they do, the majority of people will be guys and not care to read about a little monster, so this is probably the first and last time I'll mention her (until I get her to start gaming!).

Back to the games.......

MARIO & LUIGI DREAM TEAM. My love for Nintendo and it's games is pretty sick, and my love of this particular game is pretty strong. I started playing it waaaay last year, then stopped for about 6 months until I forced myself to get back into it. I believe I'm extremely close to the end which I'm proud of. It's been an extremely fun game to play. I did not anticipate the amount of fun I would have with it. It's been a satisfying RPG experience with the charm of Mario which is really cool. It's even made me laugh a few times. But it's getting pretty repetitive now so I'm ready for it to end. It's been fun and I'm glad to have played it. Now get me to the end!

ANIMAL CROSSING NEW LEAF. Yeah, I'm one of those. I've played ACNL almost everyday since it came out. These days I only play it for about five minutes a day, but I'm still playing it. I made the mistake of putting it down for a month after my monster was born, and my favorite villager moved out in that month. THE ANGER! It's real. I'm still bitter about it. So, I play everyday just to say hello to my villagers and make sure no one moves out. I look forward to doing more with my town when I have more time, but for now, it's just a little something I do everyday. I'm pretty proud of my town...It has cool paths and I have some amazing villagers (Bob! Oh, how I love Bob...).

LIGHTNING RETURNS FINAL FANTASY XIII. I'm ashamed of my neglect of this game. I did really well with it for a while, then stopped playing when FFX HD came out. I'm going to have to totally restart the game when I get a chance because I've forgotten what's going on in it. FAIL. I've beaten Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 so I need to beat this one as well. I've enjoyed my romp with the XIII series but FFX has my heart along with IX and VI. I probably won't get back to Lightning Returns for a long time...I need to play X-2 once I beat X. So, Lightning is third on the list but it deserved an honorable mention.

LEGEND OF ZELDA WIND WAKER HD. I got this game free after getting Mario Kart for Wii U. LoZ is my favorite series after Final Fantasy but I never got into Wind Waker...I'm giving it another try. My husband actually enjoys watching this one (he doesn't play video games. He sucks.) and it's nice to play something that he actually likes to watch. We've put it off since our favorite fall shows are back with new seasons, but I anticipate getting back into it soon.

THEATRHYTHM CURTAIN CALL. Oh, my gosh. MY GOSH. This game has been sucking up my life. THIS GAME is the reason why I have this embarrassing back log problem. I. Cannot. Stop. Playing. This. Game. It's too much fun and the perfect tribute to the FF series. The music is amazing and I keep needing to get Current Criticals and leveling up my favorite characters. The online play is addicting. This game is the problem! If I could just set this game down, I would make major progress on the other games I'm working on. But I can't. I just can't. It begs to be played and I oblige.

So, those are the games I am currently trying to beat. It's embarrassing because they're all lengthy, life-sucking games that take hours to play and here I am, trying to tackle them all at the same time. I have a very long list of games I want to play after I beat these ones so I'm looking forward to finishing them. I have ADHD so I tend to bounce from thing to thing. I believe that's the core of my back log problem. Plus my little monster stops me from playing games so it takes me an extra long time to beat even one. Speaking of which, I hear her stirring right now. She was sleeping as I wrote this so now I must stop and tend to her again. I'm expecting nobody to see this blog or read it, so it would be extra cool if someone DID read it...And even cooler if someone commented. Thanks for getting this far, dear mystery reader. I wish you well on your gaming journeys and that you don't get stuck in the back log hell that I'm in!

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