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4.5 stars

Average score of 2 user reviews

The loneliest number is the number...four? 0

I’ll start by saying that this is a very good game and that only a few poor choice is stop it from having the best multiplayer on Xbox Live. The Battlefield series has allowed players to fight in World War 2, Vietnam, the future, and in the present. Bad Company takes place in the present, where a fictional war is going on between the United States and Russia. Unlike past Battlefield games, Bad Company has a Single Player story that doesn’t end up feeling like a series of bot matches strung toge...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Still One of the Best 1

Review written 5-6-2006.Pros: Excellent music. Great characters. Castle developing along with your army is a great feature. Excellent story of war and betrayal. Three different battle systems party, duel, and army.  All characters have unique weapons which are sharpened at a blacksmith instead of buying new equipment. 108 Characters, most can be used in your party.Cons: Harder to find and costs more than most older games, army Vs army battles are extremely easy, music lacks in dungeons, all good...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.