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The bomb has been set off;

And I'm not sure what to make of it. I guess I was expecting GameSpot V: The Editors Strike Back or something & instead have got a rehashed, refocused Wikipedia. I like the idea of Wikipedia, infact I love it, but there's so many idiots in the world with nothing better to do than to be pricks that it's almost impossible to make it worth while. I never got into IGN's/GameSpot's boards & forums because generally, gamers are a bunch of immature fuckwits who spend their entire lives justifying the large amounts of dosh they've invested in their console of choice in the most pointless way possible. I really have no time for little haters who's parents won't buy them the other console so spend their time calling it & it's fans names. 

It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. I don't really have any intention of editing anything, in my experience, some Messiah Complexed Holy moron always comes by and changes whatever I've written, despite how true what I wrote was. So I generally leave it to the people who need to churn endless lines of bollocks to soothe their ever growing egos, but I'd much rather leave it to the people whose job it actually is to write about games. I guess time will tell.

Ps. I am not, in actual fact, a 40something year old bitter, single, fat old man with a chip on his shoulder. I've just had a lot bad experience with young, stupid, 'hardcore' gamers!