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So little time, so many games.

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Games I played in 2013

A companion to the "Games I finished in 2013" list. I'm not including iOS games, since I jump in and out of those too often to really count.

List items

  • Finished this one early in the year. Great game. Loved the open world gameplay. I hope they put out some single player DLC.

  • This got lost in the shuffle last year. I bought it when it came out, played it for an hour, then didn't touch it until February of this year. I played the original and all the expansions. So far this sequel is hitting all the right notes. UPDATE (May 2013) - Still fun, but the game is starting to drag. I can't force myself to do only story missions though, so it is partly my fault.

  • I expect this will be the 2nd game I finish this year. I've put in about 8 hours so far. I loved the first two games and so far this is scratching that same itch. The last 1/3 of the game is disappointing.

  • I've played about 80 hours of this game (most of it on the XBox 360, but I've restarted on the PC). Still haven't beat the game. I'm loving all the graphical upgrades the PC version offers. I've put in about 2 hours into the PC version, but I haven't fully committed because I don't want to lose my life to this game again.

  • Pre-ordered this, but servers at launch are making me wait for a while before I dig into it. UPDATE (May) - Still haven't really gone back to this. They made some updates, but apparently they have some bugs to still work out.

  • Played the PC version of this. Great graphics and fun gameplay. It's more Uncharted than Tomb Raider though, so I'm hoping the sequel gets back to the globe trotting the series is known for. Like Farcry 3, I'm up for any continuation of the single player story in DLC.

    As of June, I'm replaying it on the PS3.

  • I've heard so many good things about Minerva's Den, that I figured I'd go back and play through it on PC before Bioshock Infinite is released. I played through the full game on XBox 360 already, so having to play through on keyboard (no controller option as far as I know) is taking some getting used to.

    EDIT: September 2013 - Never did go back to it on PC, but now I'm playing through it on PS3. Even though it was rated very highly by critics, it feels under-appreciated by the gaming public.

    EDIT 2: After beating the PS3 version, I went back to the 360 version to play and beat the Minerva's Den DLC (I don't own it on PS3).

  • I'm hoping this is great. I loved the original Starcraft and Starcraft II. The first hour of the game didn't start off right for me though...1 hard crash to desktop and another long hang that required me to force quit the game. Grrr.

  • This was my most anticipated game for 2 years. Got it and beat it in about 12 hours. I know this is one I'll replay several times (just like the first two).

  • After finishing Heart of the Swarm, got the urge to go back and replay through the games for the story. Playing just a few missions at a time. Not in any rush to get through everything now.

  • Started more than a year ago, but gave up due to franchise fatigue. Decided to go back before I started AC 3.

  • Really impressive graphics at the start of the game. Playing this on PC.

  • Maybe I'll actually play more than an hour (total, across all games) on my 3DS. The first 20 minutes were fun.

  • Cool art style and tight mechanics. So far it is not super challenging, but then again, if it was too hard, I'd probably stop playing. UPDATE (May 12, 2013) - Stuck on the Javier Jaguar boss fight. Sigh.

  • Had this sitting sealed on my shelf. The first two levels were interested. It's crazy how good the game looks on the 360, even with the aging engine.

  • Bought the full version after enjoying the demo. Lost 4 hours to it on the first night. Such a fun game.

  • Finally booted this up. Some performance issues (odd lag in cutscenes that leave too much time between dialogue). No real opinion on the game yet.

  • Playing through the series again. The first game is taking some getting used to, as they made some important improvements in the sequels.

  • Played through the PSN release in a day.

  • After playing through the first 4 games in their HD remake versions, this game doesn't seem like quite the leap it once did. Everything is a little more blurry than I remember and the frame rate drops quite a bit sometimes. Loving the story and the game play.

  • Very short game, but still fun. Playing it for the story line bridge to A Crack in Time.

  • Played through about 70% of the game when it first came out, but never finished it. Restarting it to see the whole story play out.

  • Beat this several times already, but starting all over again.

  • Beautiful game with an amazing start. There's lots of tension so far. Can't wait to see how it all plays out.

  • Probably a mistake to play through so soon after The Last of Us. The visual style is similar, but The Last of Us is so far ahead of this, that it makes it less impressive in this game.

  • Interesting art style. Since I don't care for Anime, I have a feeling this won't be favorite game.

  • Since I'm getting hyped on Infamous: Second Son (PS4), I decided to go back and finish this one. I got about halfway through 2 years ago. I'm restarting and planning on playing through the whole game by the end of this weekend.

  • Really not liking the changes they made to the series with this. I miss my free camera controls and non-linear game play. Playing through for the story at this point.

  • Playing through on the Gamecube. I remember being blown away by the graphics when this came out. They aren't so mind-blowing now, but the transitions from film to gameplay are still impressive.

  • Haven't played this in the last 3 years (since shortly after it came out). I only got about 22% through the first time, before I was deployed. Now I restarted and am ready to finish the game. It looks amazing. The rain storms remind me of the weather here in Arizona. I would love to see another sequel to this, on the next gen hardware.

    Update August 2013: Stalled out in Mexico section. Must recommit soon.

  • Playing the PC version to get ready for Saints Row 4, which is apparently like Crackdown.

  • Finishing off my inFamous games.

  • Early on, I'm not really understanding how this fits in the fiction. It feels a little harder than I remember the last game being.

  • Playing on PC, but every time it has crashed to desktop or frozen up. Might play it on PS3 (free with PS Plus) instead.

  • Before I heard the praise, I thought this was a game aimed at the younger crowd. I was very wrong.

  • Got the urge to replay my GH games.

  • Reset the progress so that I could start from the beginning.

  • Started the PC version. I couldn't stop until I finished everything.

  • Played through it on PS3, since I've already beat it on PC and Xbox 360.

  • Bought this day 1, but then stopped playing after about an hour. I think I was too nervous about making some of the life/death choices. Finally went back to it. Beat Episode 1 and plan on moving on soon.

  • School work is keeping me from playing this as much as I'd want. I enjoyed the 2 hours or so I've played so far.

  • Bought this game years ago, but left it sealed. I'm really enjoying it right now. Some of the music isn't great, but there are quite a few songs I really like.

  • Strange control scheme, but good graphics and Ellen Page performance is keeping me interested.

  • With the new game coming in October, I wanted to replay this series. Played this time on PS3, since I hadn't played through that version yet.

  • Continuing the franchise to get ready for the new game. I meant to play this on PC, since I already beat the Xbox version, but for some reason I can't get the PC version to work at all. Started a new save for the 360 version instead.

  • Playing on PC. I'm enjoying the story, but the game keeps crashing. Grr.

  • A surprise release. Having some fun with it. Crazy that this was a Wii game (without the typing, of course).

  • Fun game that looks great. Tough though.

  • Playing the PS4 version.

  • Latest Ratchet game. I'll have to find time to go back to my PS3 now that my PS4 is here.

  • Finally a game that will get me to play my 3DS again.

  • Enjoyed my short time with the game. Would play more, but broken Xbox One means I have to sit and wait.

  • Bought the game and played 3 levels, but my Xbox One is still kaput, so this might be a 2014 game for me.

  • Playing it on PS4. It is cross buy. I originally owned it on PS3.

  • Played this when it first came out on PS3, but never finished. PS4 version is very nice.

  • Finally giving this a shot, after enjoying Flower so much.

  • Restarting this. Played 50 hours, but never finished it the first time (I think I was about an hour or so from the end!). Since it has been 3 years, starting over. Want to get through this and the sequel, before the 3rd game comes out.

  • Tough game. I hear it is great, so I'll probably keep plugging away at it.

  • Not so much of a game as a short story in a game environment

  • After getting back into the LoTR movies, I felt compelled to give this a shot.

  • It's a LEGO game. I'm having some fun, but I think my days of obsessively playing these games are over.

  • Wanted to give it a try because it has great graphics. Online is fucked though and I'm worried about the bugs that erase single player progress, so I haven't played it much.